"Am I crazy?" "I can handle it on my own."


From time to time, these and similar words come out of people's mouths. Being told "Go to a psychiatrist" is perceived as a huge insult and causes the tensions to become even more tense. We try to solve our problems ourselves, thinking that another person cannot help, that they can only listen, just like a friend does, or that they will prescribe and send medication. Maybe it will be resolved for that moment. But after a short while, we start to deal with similar problems again and become overwhelmed..
 ‘How can someone else help?’  
What do you do when you have a problem? Do you try to handle it yourself? I can almost hear you say, "I'll try to figure it out on my own first." Then what? A friend, a family elder, a friend... I personally am one of those who advocate that people are needed. Was I like this before? NO I WAS NOT. In the years before I started my career, I thought it was a more appropriate way to solve problems on my own, without talking to anyone. But later the situation changed, and perhaps this was one of the most important things this profession gave me. I started sharing my problems with people I trusted, who I thought would understand me and help me. This relieved me and allowed me to look at things from different perspectives. Over time, as I specialized in psychiatry and therapies, my opinion that people are needed became even stronger. At what stage of our lives are we alone? What do I do now when I have problems? I use the knowledge and skills I have learned as a result of my many years of therapy training. I have become my own therapist. You may have experienced it too; How telling your problem to a person you trust and who you think can understand you reduces your pain and distress. However, sometimes it is very difficult to find someone who will listen to you wholeheartedly and who will not 'pretend to listen'. Especially nowadays, when one does not have much time to devote to the other. On the other hand, no matter how well-intentioned the listening is, your benefit may decrease as topics such as 'how to be a good listener, what is good communication, problem solving, rational and objective ways of approaching events' are not known, or rather require expertise.. 

Who should we go to? He Can anyone help?
In an era where the word 'therapy' is added to the end of everything and people who are not even remotely related to this job ascribe to themselves the title of 'Psychotherapist', the question of who to go to and who to trust comes to mind. At this point, I will briefly talk about the concepts of psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist, which I define as PEOPLE APPROPRIATE TO CONTACT.
The titles 'psychiatrist, psychiatrist, mental health and disease specialist' are the same and take 6-7 years of medical school education, 4-5 years of medical school education. It is used for people who have completed one year of specialization training in the field of psychiatry and compulsory service stages lasting 2-4 years. Psychiatrist is also a MEDICAL DOCTOR. He is the person who can and has the authority to perform psychiatric and psychological treatments such as medication, psychotherapy, inpatient treatment, and electroshock therapy.
The words 'psychiatrist and psychologist' ARE FREQUENTLY CONFUSED. 'Psychologist' is a person who has graduated from the 'psychology department' of universities for 4 years.
'Psychotherapist' is a person who practices psychotherapy, which is a psychological treatment method. During psychiatry training, information about therapy is obtained, reinforced by seeing the patient and client, and supported by various trainings (Cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, sexual therapy, etc.). These trainings are long-term trainings that usually last for years, and those who successfully complete them are given a valid and reliable certificate.
Can anyone help? Suppose you have an accident. Would you want to surrender your life to a person who has taken a first aid course (i.e., a driver who is not related to medicine) or to a person who knows the job and has a medical degree, or even an emergency room specialist? Maybe we can help, but to what extent is debatable.

Actually, the more important question is who should not be contacted!!!
Unfortunately; The number of people who claim to 'work miracles', 'dispense healing', 'manage your life', 'clear the subconscious', 'open the breath' and introduce themselves as therapists is increasing. These people present methods that are far from reality and science, as if they were marketing a product.
This is a bit of a situation. I think it stems from our expectations of miracles, our demands that 'I shouldn't do anything, someone else should do it for me'. Such applications result in material and moral losses or, if you are lucky (which will happen thanks to your faith!), some recovery. Perhaps, throughout your life, you will interpret this improvement as "I didn't do it, he did it". You should constantly keep in mind the fact that nothing will happen unless you believe, want and make an effort. Take a look at the people around you who have achieved many successes and overcome many troubles and difficulties. Did something miraculous happen or did it happen with conscious effort and effort!?
People who have received the necessary and sufficient training in the field of psychiatry do not give empty promises and unnecessary hopes. Instead of saying "I create miracles", they prefer to say "If you and I become a team together, we will succeed". There is mutual cooperation and you are happy to see that you are learning and achieving things. You say, "I achieved this, with the help of my therapist," and you will have some methods to cope with similar problems in the future. Let go of your expectations of miracles and tendencies to blame others; You will feel happier and more peaceful.

In what situations should it be applied?
You have noticed that there are some things that are not going well in your life, you are restless and unhappy, you are confused, maybe you need to make a decision, maybe there are questions that you cannot find the answers to that are confusing your mind... or lately You have experienced a troubling event, you cannot make sense of it. Talking about these and similar issues will support you with an 'eye that can look at the experiences objectively' and this is your most natural right. Otherwise, you will continue to apply your old solution methods and expect different results, and most of the time you will be disappointed. "Expecting different results using the same methods is insanity," said Einstein.

-If there are psychiatric disorders in the family such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, mood disorder, addiction,
-Your childhood was very difficult; separate If you have experienced problems such as homelessness, immigration, harassment, not receiving adequate care and love,
-If you have a sensitive, sensitive and perfectionist personality
Your job seems a little more difficult!! It is more likely that the problems you experience are severe and chronic and the solutions you find do not work. Because psychiatric illness in the family increases your susceptibility and causes psychiatric symptoms to appear more easily and more severely. If a difficult childhood and sensitive personality structure are added, it may become even more difficult to cope with events.

If you have one or more of the following symptoms; - Unhappiness, restlessness, panic, helplessness, anger, irritability, Feelings such as guilt and regret.. 
-Unusual situations such as excessive joy, outbursts of anger, talking more than normal..
-Decrease in self-confidence, avoidance of entering environments..
-Palpitations, sweating Symptoms such as shortness of breath, feeling of tightness in the chest, skin lesions, diarrhea-constipation, facial flushing, headache, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate..
-Thoughts of worthlessness, inadequacy, guilt, death.. 
-Someone Thoughts of being followed, poisoned, or being harmed.. 
-Interrupted sleep at night, waking up early in the morning or sleeping too much, 
-Despite not being on any diet, a significant decrease in appetite or eating too much..
-People around you start telling you that there is something wrong with you.. 
-You start having problems in your work, social and private life.. 
If it constantly bothers you and no underlying medical cause can be found, seek medical advice. It would be beneficial for you to consult a psychiatrist.


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