Lipofilling (Fat Injection)

Lipofilling, which is translated into Turkish as fat injection and has just started to make a name for itself in the medical world, is counted among the aesthetic operations. This method, which was initially tested on only four people in Turkey, was successful. The purpose of this method is to eliminate visual impairment in any part of the body. Thanks to the bad image being eliminated, individuals who have increased self-confidence and are psychologically stronger are integrated into society. In terms of how the operation is performed, a method that is unlike any previous plastic surgery is used.

The key point of this method is to inject the fat layer taken from the abdominal area into the area with a distorted appearance. There is also a very important point that distinguishes this operation from other plastic surgeries. While in other plastic surgeries, foreign substances that may contain carcinogenic substances are placed in the body, in this method, abdominal fat, which is the body's own product, is used. Although transferring the fat layer in the abdominal area to a different part of the body requires a serious operation, you will see that the pain is worth it when you see the result. Moreover, the fat layer transferred to the chest consists of silicone etc. used in other operations. It does not pose the risk of explosion or rupture like other materials. This transferred fat layer never loses its appearance and will not cause you any problems in the future because it is compatible with your body.

Lipofilling Treatment

Basically, excellent results are produced for the face area. Thanks to advancing technology, this method can be applied to every part of the body. Lipofilling Treatment is performed by our plastic surgeons who decide together with the patient who comes for control. The source of this application is the transfer of fat taken from any part of the body to another part of the body, where its appearance is disturbed. This fat layer to be transferred is generally taken from the abdominal area. During the application phase of the operation, our plastic surgeons generally prefer the general anesthesia method. You can get detailed information about all beauty-related aesthetic operations in our center, which successfully performs lipofilling applications. You can access this information via our website or contact number. You can obtain it from our mareries.

This method has not yet achieved its necessary value in Turkey. However, considering the success rate achieved as a result of the operation, it seems to be a frequently preferred method in the future. The plump lips and beautiful taut facial lines that individuals want to have, thanks to this operation, provide very desirable results. This method is very successful, as its success rate is quite high compared to other methods.

You can have a successful plastic surgery thanks to this operation, which is just beginning to become established in Turkey. If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of any point on your body and want a permanent solution, you can choose this method without thinking. You can regain the bright and vibrant appearance of your youth, thanks to the surgical materials taken from the person during the operation.

One of the positive points of this operation is that the fat layer taken from any point of the body can have a healing effect on the body. Doctors in Turkey can evaluate this situation quite well. Thanks to the lipofilling operation, tissues taken from one point in the body are transferred to another point, in other words, a kind of tissue transplantation is performed. Performing tissue transplantation with such an easy method creates a ray of hope for other diseases. It constitutes a very important resource, especially in cancer and bone marrow transplants.

Thanks to this method, you can perform lip fillers, breast surgeries and facial procedures without feeling any pain. This method has been continued since the first day it was discovered. This procedure, which does not receive the attention it should currently receive, is mostly implemented in European countries. From here we can understand how advanced the process is. If you would like to benefit from such a quality service, you can call us on our contact numbers and get detailed information about the operation and request an appointment.

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