Today, the primary cause of death in our country, as in the whole world, is cardiovascular diseases.
Cardiovascular diseases are a health problem that can be prevented by lifestyle changes and a healthy diet, and can be improved with medical nutrition therapy and lifestyle changes even after they occur.
The main causes of cardiovascular diseases are hypertension (high blood pressure), increased LDL-Cholesterol (bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein) and triglyceride (TG) levels in the blood, low HDL-Cholesterol (good cholesterol, high-density) lipoprotein) levels, smoking, diabetes (diabetes) and obesity There are benefits;
Cholesterol is a waxy, oil-like substance found in all our cells and also taken from food. While most of the cholesterol is produced in the body, some comes from foods of animal origin along with the diet. In order for cholesterol to be dissolved and transported in the blood, it combines with lipoproteins in our liver and is transported in this way as a package. The one that carries this cholesterol to the tissues is called LDL-Cholesterol, and the one that carries it from the tissues to the blood is called HDL Cholesterol. High LDL-Cholesterol levels, if any, can be combined with factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol consumption in the long term and accumulate in worn vessels and cause narrowing and blockages in the vessels.
But why does cholesterol rise in the blood? Factors such as heredity, dietary habits and food types, stress and obesity are among the causes. In people sensitive to cholesterol, a diet high in animal foods significantly raises total cholesterol and LDL, while total dietary fat also contributes significantly to this increase. It is possible to list the preventive and curative factors as follows:
1. Reduce the amount of fat in your diet
Prefer methods such as grilling and boiling instead of deep frying. Foods containing saturated fat (meat, milk, cream, etc.) Prefer foods containing unsaturated fats (olive oil, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.) This will both reduce cholesterol intake and create a low-fat diet. Increase your fiber consumption.
There is an inverse proportion in terms of heart disease risk with a diet containing high fiber (fiber). Make sure to include legumes, fruits-vegetables and whole grain products (wholegrain bread, pasta, whole wheat rice, bulgur, etc.) on your table. Do not peel the skin of fruits that are eaten with the skin.
3. Increase your physical activity.
Physical activity helps to maintain calorie balance and therefore weight control by increasing the energy spent. It also increases the level of HDL-Cholesterol and positively affects heart health.
4. Get blood pressure under control.
If you have high blood pressure, avoid salt and salty foods and eat a diet rich in potassium. Increasing fruit and fruit consumption is very important to balance blood pressure.
5. Control your weight.
High body weights have always been an important risk factor for chronic diseases. If your body weight is high, seek help from a dietitian and increase your physical activity. Thus, both burn your fat and protect your heart.
In addition to these, of course, let's not forget that smoking and alcohol consumption are also big risk factors. Let's review our wrong habits and shortcomings without forgetting that a good eating habit can only be a pillar of a good and healthy lifestyle. With pleasure.
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