Hysteria, which dates back to the Middle Ages, was misinterpreted as the intrusion of evil spirits or the devil at that time. Today, in addition to being a personal disease, hysteria has been observed and diagnosed in societies as panic, anxiety-like fears and behaviors based on it. It can also be interpreted as bodily pain that is seen even though there is no biological or physical problem. It is a disorder that develops with complaints of various systems such as mental and physical disorders, especially in emotional reactions, sudden irritability, movement disorders, short-term personality changes. The hysterical person is not aware of the deterioration of his mental health, and it is difficult for him to accept.
When we consider this situation on a social basis; We can witness that many events experienced are through interpersonal interaction and negative events have a domino effect on group members, or in other words, the problem leaves the effect of feeling on the observers even though they are not aware of it…
There are many examples in history, but the most common example is:
The complaints of all students coming from various schools in America to give concerts such as headache, dizziness, and vomiting In the case examined, it was revealed that all of the students who got sick at the same time started seeing these symptoms from one another. Although there is no physical reason for them to get sick (research has been done on poisoning and other possible situations in the environment), and it was found that no one got sick from the audience who came to listen to the concert. It was also investigated that women, in particular, experienced all the symptoms more than men. Although there was no physical reason, the illness of the popular girl in the group affected other students psychologically and set an example for mass hysteria… and cause real physical symptoms with no known physical cause. we see.
So, do you think, can the term social hysteria be used to explain the rapid spread of the negative effects of societies living in such a phenomenal world to each other?
With all my respect and love...
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