Can we feel completely safe? In the world we live in, in the body we are in? When we are a tiny detail in the universe, we have no control over most things in life, it is very difficult to feel safe in our body and in the outside world when we are so far from our emotions.
We have to live our lives by leaving them to uncertainty. We don't know what will happen in five minutes, the physical conditions we are in are getting harder and harder. The only thing we can hold on to is the moment. We exist only in the present, we live only in the present, and we know exactly the moment. It is very important for our physical health that our body is in the present moment.
We now know that the body has a memory. There is no concept of time in body memory. Our body lives in the present with all that it has accumulated in timelessness. Our entire system works accordingly, and our health is shaped accordingly. The body traps the emotions, the emotions exist in the body. Our emotions become our bodies. The working rhythm of our intestines starts to work properly or deteriorate here. It is very important for our body, especially for intestinal health, to "feel safe" in our emotional world. Please don't think of feeling safe as just a physical threat. Even when all physical conditions are met, people may not feel safe. Even in highly secure homes and protected sites, people experience fear. But is it really a physical fear? No.
The emotions we suppress, the issues we cover up begin to surround our body as “fear”. Fear is a very moving emotion. Sometimes we do not even realize that we are afraid at all because fear can hide behind different emotions. “Fear” is one of the emotions that affect gut health.
The body must be safe for the act of "letting go", which is the most basic function of our intestines. Let's think about it like a gazelle. Let him feel the danger of a lion when he is in his natural habitat. The whole body will prepare for its escape, and there is no release-defecation in this preparation. Whenever the danger has passed, whenever the body has calmed down and feels safe, then the act of cessation will take place. For this reason, defecation is an act of relaxation for our body. It is very important to feel safe. Or look at our own daily lives. Some people cannot defecate in different homes or places. Whether it's a long vacation or a short visiting session. Aren't they safe in these talks? If we ask, of course they will say that we are safe, everything is fine, but we just talked about the fact that the body has a system independent of time and space. For this reason, the act of not being able to defecate is not related to the current vacation, but to one's own emotional system. Our body does not know that we are on vacation, it is in a different habitat and perceives it as a danger. For this reason, the more balanced our emotions are, the more we cooperate with our background emotions in our own emotional world, the safer we are if we live with awareness. Our guts can "leave" just as much...
You've heard of the "doing it out of fear" situation. We see this most often in children. In the moment of "fear", which is uncontrollable and exceeds the stress threshold, we lose our control over the body, the muscles let themselves go. Here, the body's instinct for self-preservation disappears. A complete "freezing" state takes place and discharges begin in an instant. For this reason, the situation of doing gold out of fear is mostly seen in children. Because these little individuals do not fully control their muscles and do not know how to protect themselves instinctively. For adults, in the event of severe physical and emotional fear, all muscle control is lost...
Our guts do not like unpredictable and chronic feelings of fear.
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