Have you ever thought about why 'a child is dragged into crime'?
When a child is mentioned, innocence is always what comes to mind; the child is always clean and away from crime.
This thought sometimes becomes contradictory. Crimes committed by children suddenly turn them into monsters in our eyes. Our confused facial expressions appear. These are not the meanings we attribute to them. Come on, my God, what a long time we've been through, Of course it's normal...these are the judgmental sentences we make. It's hard to understand them and what they do.
Crimes brought to court, such as damage to public property, theft, and injury, give children the title of child dragged into crime.
As it is said, child dragged into crime….
They are the ones to blame here; but they also have people to blame. br /> Have you ever thought about why a child is dragged into crime? Have you ever wondered about their experiences and have you been able to see them?
A man and a woman gave birth to a child; but before that, even though their financial conditions were not enough to meet their wishes, the average age was at least 3. She has already given birth to a child and it is unlikely that she will have one in the future. The family is suffering from financial difficulties and the child constantly shows wannabe behaviors as required by his/her period. The parents cannot meet the demands and are completely away from the roles of mother and father in order to create a social family model.
Residence. When he looks at the place, he sees that it has 2 rooms and they do not have their own rooms where they can feel themselves as individuals. As you can see, the first steps of self-confidence have been terminated before they even begin. If the parents stay in the same room, the foundations of sexual identity disorders and guilt beliefs are laid. Committing a crime normalizes the concept of 'crime' and removes it from being a value judgement. If they do not hesitate to commit a crime, they exist. .Everyone tries to realize themselves within the conditions offered in the environment they belong to.
The existence of these situations causes adults who were children in the past to internalize and develop problem-solving skills in them. This is achieved by using violence against the weak and using substances. Violence within the family brings with it feelings of anger and revenge. It causes internal conflicts in the child and damages the sense of trust. The child tries to vent his anger through aggressive behavior towards others because he has been humiliated and believes that he is strong. and will try to prove it to those around them. In this vicious circle, you can see their future in their families and their childhood in them. As you can see, being a model is worth a lifetime. Since the financial situation of the family is not good, their psychological needs are not even met. In order to earn financial income, they are at a very early age. Continuing the school process is out of the question for a child who is started to work, because there is no model for this. Expecting the child to study in an environment where there is thieving is a disappointment. Financial responsibility taken at an early age ensures that childhood remains hungry. A person who becomes an individual without being a child will live throughout his life. He remains stuck in these periods. As a result, what is normal is that he will experience psychological problems and disorders in the future.
When looked at, being a child in this environment means being aggressive, not avoiding taking risks, being humiliated, behaving like them to show himself sufficient, and exhibiting negative behaviors. It means having an empty self-confidence that is reinforced.
Crime is just a concrete indicator and a call for help to the society. The child does not commit a crime, the child commits a crime.
For them, it is not the crime that is important, but the reasons that lead to crime. Whatever crime it is. In fact, there are always untouched child souls. Their only wish is to be a child.
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