Heart Surgeon Prof. said that heart patients can eat meat on Eid-al-Adha without disrupting their diet or overdoing it. Dr. İhsan Bakır warned against consuming excessive amounts of fatty meat. Prof. stated that people with coronary heart disease or genetic predisposition should consume red meat in a controlled manner. Dr. İhsan Bakır said that patients do not act consciously enough and this invites serious health problems. Bakır said: “Fat meat contains a lot of saturated fat. If a large amount of meat is consumed with additional salt, it may cause problems in people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension. During these periods, there are many applications to emergency services due to heart problems due to consumption of fatty and salty meat. It will be more beneficial for the health of diabetic or hypertensive patients with coronary heart disease to choose less and especially lean meat in quantity during Eid al-Adha." He did an explanation. Emphasizing that red meat consumption is quite high during Eid-al-Adha and that the days after the Eid are days when cardiovascular patients frequently apply to emergency services, Professor General of the Çekmece Region. Dr. İhsan Bakır especially advised high blood pressure, cardiovascular patients and people to stay away from salty and fatty roasted products. Pointing out that excessive consumption of red meat and tallow aggravates the condition of coronary heart patients and exacerbates their symptoms, Bakır said, "Excessive consumption of salt and tallow will increase admissions to hospitals with complaints such as increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, chest pain, and severe and distressing illnesses. Victim During Eid al-Adha, the liver, spleen, kidney and mumps of the sacrificed animal, called offal, should not be fed to heart patients due to their high cholesterol content. However, there is no harm in cardiovascular patients consuming low-salt, low-fat or boiled meat in small amounts. If roasted meat is to be eaten, it should be low-fat and low-fat. Care should be taken to ensure that it is less salty. Blood may occur in burnt, tarred meat that has been directly exposed to fire. There is a risk of ser. In this regard, we must be careful when cooking meat. "When consuming meat, it should not be forgotten that antioxidant foods such as greens and fresh salads can prevent the possible harms of meat," he said.
Stating that heart patients can easily consume meat cooked on Eid al-Adha, provided that it is moderate, Prof. Dr. İhsan Bakır said, "After the patients to whom we perform balloon stent surgery are discharged, Then, one can consume meat, provided that it is not too fatty or too dense. Our patients with heart failure can consume sacrificial meat, provided that it is not salty. Our bypass patients can easily consume sacrificial meat after leaving the hospital. Of course, consuming it without salt, such as boiled, may be more harmless. Blood pressure patients can easily eat sacrificial meat as long as it is unsalted. Diabetes, heart and blood pressure patients should be careful about excessive sweet consumption. These patients should minimize their sweet intake and consume light milk desserts. "Heart, blood pressure and diabetes patients should not skip their medications and continue their physical exercises during Eid al-Adha, as in every period," he said.

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