Obesity Surgery Side Effects

Obesity surgery side effects vary depending on the chosen surgery method. Obesity surgery methods can be roughly divided into two: methods that disrupt absorption and methods that restrict food intake.

The primary methods that disrupt absorption are gastric bypass and variations of these operations. In these surgeries, in addition to reducing the stomach volume, the most absorptive parts of the small intestines are neutralized.

Absorption methods reduce the absorption of calories in foods. In this way, effective slimming is achieved. In addition, the intake of various minerals and vitamins that the body needs is also restricted. For this reason, patients who have undergone malabsorption surgery cannot receive vitamins and minerals that are vital for the body.

People who have had malabsorption surgery must be followed up regularly with blood tests and support must be given before deficiencies occur.

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most frequently preferred surgery among restrictive obesity surgery methods. In this surgery, the stomach volume is reduced, but no changes are made to the small intestines. With sleeve gastrectomy, the side effects of obesity surgery are much less common.

In the control tests performed after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, only vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may develop due to low intake are corrected. As the stomach volume expands over time, the amount of food intake increases and external support is not required.

Side effects of bariatric surgery seen in sleeve gastrectomy surgery include hair loss due to vitamin and mineral deficiency, leg cramps due to dysfunction in the nervous system, or memory problems. Symptoms such as weight loss, skin disorders, bone diseases due to vitamin D deficiency, anemia, weakness may be observed.

On the other hand, there are no other known side effects of obesity surgery. Here, life-threatening complications such as leakage and embolism, which can be observed immediately after the surgery, are not called side effects. To get detailed information on this subject, you can read the article on the risks of obesity surgery.

Bariatric surgery, especially in cases of morbid obesity, is quite effective considering the known harms of obesity and the profit-loss ratio if the patients are followed closely. It should not be forgotten that he is a bearer. Obesity surgery is frequently preferred by many overweight people all over the world.

Stay Healthy..

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