Jealousy and Othello Syndrome

Relationship between men and women

Sexuality is the impulses and feelings based on the basic desires and desires between men and women (WHO, 2015). Since the day of existence, humans have been coded to instinctively experience these feelings in order to maintain their existence and increase their generation. People who experienced these feelings began to develop more complex emotions, such as love and dating, as their social environments took shape. However, people's first basic instincts were sexuality and reproduction. Gradually, as social factors and religions emerged, people began to have very different adjectives such as ownership, starting a family, being a parent, being a spouse, lover, and fiancé as they were shaped according to social norms. As social norms began to gain different meanings, people developed different emotions; One of these is the feeling of jealousy. Although people have many subconscious expectations before starting a relationship, the most important of these is the desire to be loved. This is a psychological and social need. People have learned to dream of an ideal love experience from the books they read, the TV series and movies they watch, and the stories they hear from their surroundings. However, the meaning they derive from 'ideal Love' is the subconscious urge to have a person who is unconditionally in love with them. While this can be seen among people who have had psychologically challenging life experiences and have been hungry for love since childhood, it can also be related to the social expectations we noted above.


For these reasons. A feeling of jealousy arises. Although people think of jealousy as an integral part of love, it is actually a completely different feeling. The feeling of 'jealousy', which arises as a result of different thoughts created in people's brains, is socially framed according to the logic that the more you love, the more you envy. In other words, the more a person is jealous, the more he thinks he is loved, or the more jealous he is, the more he feels like he loves. And as a result, the subconscious 'unique concept of love' is paired with jealousy. However, according to my analysis, jealousy is:

  • Jealousy is a situation that arises as a self-confidence problem of the other party. No matter how much a person trusts himself and his partner, his partner does not trust anyone else. He reacts by saying or thinking, 'she is beautiful, he is handsome, he is smart, he is clever and so on, many examples can be given' - because every individual wants to be a 'super star' for his partner. These are generally naive feelings and this is what people who start a relationship expect from jealousy. The person feels how much his partner values ​​him, and many people enjoy this situation as long as the lines are not crossed. This situation has generally been socially accepted as a sign of Epic love that lies in the subconscious.

  • Note: This situation is not related to the situation of constantly humiliating your partner by comparing him with others.

  • Your partner's He has too much information and details about his relationships in his previous life, or on the contrary, and therefore the person always takes into consideration the possibility of potential danger.

  • There is an unhealthy situation in their relationship and Their relationship status is suspended, the person may begin to suspect that there is a third party involved

  • He has made his relationships unhealthy, he is committing betrayal or flirting, if I am doing it, is the other party doing this to me? The thought does not leave the person. . The subconscious feeling here is the person's conscience, he has feelings for his partner despite the betrayal and constantly perceives that what he does is wrong, but the issue of preventing himself from doing the same thing again is discussed.

  • Othello Syndrome – Paranoia – accusing the other party of betrayal without any reason

  • Othello syndrome

    (Delusional jealousy; pathological jealousy )

    It is a situation in which a person thinks that his/her partner is cheating on him or her, without any real reason or proof, and as a result, exhibits socially unacceptable and abnormal behavior. This includes some examples such as:

    In obsessive 'Othello' syndrome, concerns about jealousy do not leave the person, pushing him to constantly control his partner, limiting his freedom, while in delusional jealousy, the person is afraid of his partner's behavior or behavior. He draws conclusions without any reason, for example, he may think that his partner is giving him a mixture to reduce his sexual performance, so that he can have a comfortable time with his lover. Or he may think that his partner has caught a sexually transmitted germ from someone else and that germ has infected him. Both syndromes can be seen together or individually.

    The disorder may arise from psychological, social and personality-related reasons. While this situation is generally triggered by strong sexual dissatisfaction and betrayal in male patients, strong emotional dissatisfaction and emotional betrayal can trigger this situation in women. Additionally, alcohol, amphetamine, and cocaine use can trigger this disorder (Kingham, 2004; Shephard & Michael, 1961).


    The disorder can be treated with psychiatric drugs (anti-inflammatory drugs). -psychotic and anti-depressant) therapy, psychotherapy must also be taken. Psychotherapy should be applied to the person and their partner by providing psycho-education, behavioral or cognitive-behavioral therapy, family, couple therapy, individual therapy, etc.

    Since the condition is a very serious disorder, the patient is very likely to harm others and himself. is high. It is necessary to seek professional help for this.



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