Pay Attention to Your Diet During Eid al-Adha

I tried to briefly explain the points that I consider important regarding nutrition during Eid al-Adha. I wish everyone a healthy Eid.

GOOD QUALITY PROTEIN: Red meat consumption may increase during Eid al-Adha. Red meat; In addition to containing good quality animal protein, it contains iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium minerals and vitamins B12, B6, B1 and A.

ATTENTION TO MEAT FAT: Visible and invisible fats of meat. has. Therefore, do not add extra oil while cooking. Meats with high fat content also have high cholesterol content. Even if the visible fats in the meat are separated, the average fat content of red meat is 20%. Therefore, meat consumption of people with cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases should be controlled.

WAIT FOR 24 HOURS: If the meat of an animal slaughtered on the Eid day is cooked and consumed within a few hours, it will benefit both cooking and digestion. creates difficulties. It causes problems such as bloating and indigestion in the stomach. Especially people who have digestive problems should consume the meat after keeping it for 24 hours.

SEPARATE CUTTING BOARD: The meat cutting board and the vegetable board should be separate. Chopping raw vegetables and fruits should not be done on the cutting boards used for meat preparation.

HEALTHY COOKING: As a cooking method; Methods such as boiling, baking and grilling should be preferred, and frying and roasting methods should be avoided.

"Vitamin C" WHEN CONSUMING: Meats do not contain vitamins C and E. For this reason, it is very important to cook meat with vegetables or consume vegetables/salads/freshly squeezed fruit juices rich in vitamin C along with meats. This method ensures nutritional diversity and increases the absorption of vitamin C and iron found in vegetables.

BBQ: If meat is to be barbecued; It should not be fried in a way that it becomes charred. Meat that is charred always carries a risk of cancer. Keeping meat close to the fire causes loss of vitamins such as B1, B12 and folic acid.

KEEP A LIGHT EVENING: Roasted and red meat should be consumed for lunch, and pulp such as vegetables and legumes should be consumed for dinner. high content dishes should be preferred.

WE DRINK AYRAN: Bulgur/brown rice instead of refined rice/pasta with meat; Ayran/yoghurt/tzatziki should be consumed instead of acidic/carbonated drinks.

DON'T FORGET THE WATER: Care should be taken to consume daily (2-2.5 liters) of water.

NO TO SHERBET: During holiday visits; light tea/herbal teas instead of fruit juices; Milk desserts/fruits should be preferred instead of dumplings/chocolate.

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