Laminate veneer (Laminate) Dental veneers can basically be made to eliminate color changes and correct shape to a certain degree. Its main application areas can be summarized as follows:
In joining separated teeth (diastema closure)
In restoration of broken or worn teeth
Color and structure in correcting damaged old fillings
It can be a near-perfect cosmetic alternative in correcting crooked and crooked teeth (as an orthodontic treatment alternative)
Treatment of spaced teeth (diastema) with laminate
Almost everyone! People of all age groups who complain about the above reasons can benefit from laminate treatment. However, it is not applicable in cases where there is severe gingival damage due to bad habits such as jaw disorders, nail biting, pencil biting. It is your dentist who will decide this best.
First of all, your tooth is prepared for the procedure and the residue on it is cleaned. An impression is then taken to obtain an exact replica of your tooth. The layer that will be bonded to your tooth is prepared from porcelain material. Finally, just like in adhesive systems (bonding), laminates are fused to the surface of the existing tooth with resin (an adhesive intermediate).
Laminates can be used without any problems for years with good oral care. . Because they are made of porcelain, which has superior properties than other adhesive systems (bonding). They are more resistant to staining and abrasion. To prolong their life, it is necessary to pay attention to oral care. In addition, it is necessary to avoid bad habits such as biting very hard foods and biting nails.
In cases where you cannot smile confidently due to caries, abrasions, fractures or structural anomalies, you can restore your teeth naturally with this method. It is possible to bring beauty. While fillings and full veneers were previously the only solutions in such negative situations, today there are new alternatives such as laminate treatment. Advantages of this new application;
A healthy and natural appearance is achieved in a very short time with a small intervention
Opening a slot in your tooth just the width of a fingernail (which this is always (may not be required) is sufficient
They are produced from solid, color-fast and durable materials.
Having the aesthetic features you want without damaging the natural structure of your teeth is only possible with laminate veneers. Either no change is made on the tooth, or a more perfect result can be achieved with a small correction. In fact, the amount removed from the tooth is limited to 0.3-0.7 mm. Thus, there is no need to cut (reduce) any teeth.
The laboratory phase of the treatment lasts only 3-4 days. However, in smile design, it may take up to 3-4 weeks for your lips to adapt to your new appearance. We recommend some lip exercises and reading during this adaptation. At the end of this period, you can easily smile with your new teeth, which are completely integrated with your face and are completely unnoticeable as artificial.
A copy of the teeth that you are not happy with can be obtained and a design can be made on them. In other words, we can show you the change that will occur in your teeth before any intervention is made on them.
Since the porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth, it minimizes stains and tartar formation caused by smoking and similar reasons.
Coffee, tea. It does not change color due to external factors such as cigarettes or cigarettes.
It is very fragile as a material. However, when it is fully bonded to the enamel, its resistance to tensile and tensile forces increases significantly. For example, it is not possible to completely remove a stuck veneer from the tooth. However, it can be removed by abrasion from the tooth surface with diamond burs.
Its resistance to wear is high.
It has advantages in terms of health compared to other restorations. However, it is a slightly more expensive system compared to others.
It is a sensitive technique. It requires good clinical and laboratory studies. The physician and the dental technician must have complete technical knowledge and artistic ability on this subject.
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