Ovulation, or ovulation, is the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. The mature egg released by the ovary is taken up by the fringes of the tubes and advanced towards the uterus. In the ovulation stage, which develops every month in women of reproductive age and comes to the middle of the menstrual cycle, if the mature egg meets the sperm in the tubes, fertilization can occur and thus allows a possible pregnancy to occur.
What are the Stages of Ovulation?
Ovulation has 3 stages:
1. stage - Periovulatory or Follicular stage
It is the period when the egg selected by hormonal effect grows and matures and the uterine wall thickens.
2. stage - Ovulation stage
With the enzymes secreted, the egg is released and moves to the fallopian tubes. This period usually lasts 24 - 48 hours and is the period when pregnancy occurs most often.
3rd stage - Postovulatory or Luteal stage
Post ovulation to the first day of the next menstruation for a while. If fertilization occurs during this period, in a healthy pregnancy, if the embryo moves into the uterus and attaches to the uterus, it means that the pregnancy has begun. If fertilization does not occur, hormone levels drop, the uterine wall layer is shed and menstruation occurs. days, on average 28 days. Approximately 12-16 when we calculate from the first day of the menstrual cycle. On days
ovulation takes place. In order for ovulation to take place, GnRH hormone from the brain region called the hypothalamus and FSH and LH hormones from the pituitary (brainstem) region must be secreted regularly. In addition; selected and mature egg or eggs from the ovary are required. With the effect of hormones secreted from the brain, the development of eggs in the ovaries and ovulation processes take place. is extremely important to In order to calculate the ovulation period, two d� The time between the first days of humidity should be known. Ovulation occurs 14 days before a person's next menstrual period. It is easier to determine the ovulation period in women who have regular menstruation, and for example, the ovulation day of a woman who menstruates every 30 days is the 16th day of the previous cycle, and the probability of pregnancy is more likely to occur on the day of ovulation and the previous 5 days during the period when the sperm cell can remain alive in the female body. One of the ovulation calendar applications can also be downloaded to the mobile phone to calculate the ovulation period.
Apart from looking at the calendar days, the ovulation time can also be determined from the cervical secretion (cervical mucus). While pre-ovulation secretions are drier, thicker and whiter, cervical discharge becomes clearer and more slippery with ovulation. Apart from this, when the body temperature is monitored daily, it can be determined that the basal body temperature increases by about 0.5 °C with ovulation. In addition, it can be detected that the cervix softens when palpated during the ovulation period. However; In couples planning a pregnancy, it can sometimes become more important to detect ovulation. In this situation; other methods are preferable. Ovulation can be tracked with ultrasound, as well as measuring serum progesterone levels, LH elevation in serum and/or urine, and ovulation time.
How Many Days Do Ovulation Symptoms Last?
Although ovulation lasts for approximately 24-48 hours, the 5 days before ovulation is the period when the probability of fertility is high.
What is an Ovulation Test?
< br /> Ovulation kits, which are often used by women at home as an ovulation test, can be obtained from pharmacies. Ovulation kits are similar to a pregnancy test, and if there is a double line after dropping urine on the test strip and waiting for 5 minutes, it shows the period when ovulation occurs, that is, the probability of conception is high. Another method is in the middle days of the luteal period, which is the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, on the 18-24th of the menstrual cycle. The presence of ovulation can also be detected by looking at the serum progesterone levels between the first days of menstruation or 7 days before the next menstruation. During this period, progesterone levels average 6-25 ng/ml. If the progesterone level is 2 ng/d If it is less than 1, the test can be repeated 2-3 days later, and if it is low, it is considered that ovulation has not developed.
Ovulation Disorder Causes?
Ovulation disorder occurs with the effect of hormones secreted from the brain. For this reason, first of all, the hypothalamus and pituitary axis in the brain must function properly. Many factors such as unhealthy diet, weight changes, smoking, alcohol, stress, heavy exercise, trauma, chronic diseases and medications can impair the healthy functioning of this axis. In addition, ovulation disorders can be observed due to polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal gland tumors, pituitary gland tumors, breastfeeding, menopause and some genetic syndromes that affect ovarian function.
What can ovulation disorders cause?
Ovulation disorders can lead to menstrual irregularity, excessive hair growth, acne breakouts and weight gain. However, ongoing ovulation disorders may affect having a child. As it can be corrected by itself, if weight loss or the causative factor is known, if this is corrected
ovulation will occur again. Treatment is determined according to the patient's current complaint. For example, if the patient has a complaint such as menstrual irregularity, menstrual-regulating hormonal treatments can be used. If there is a child request, egg cracking treatments can be used in addition to egg developer drugs.
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