Why Is Vitamin D So Important?

We have been repeating the importance of vitamin D a lot, especially during the pandemic period.

Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is spreading rapidly in our country and 7 out of every 10 people have vitamin D deficiency. The rate of deficiency is higher in those who use sunscreen, in patients with liver and kidney failure, in obese individuals, and in those with malabsorption such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease.

This vitamin is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are important for bone and dental health. At the same time, vitamin D strengthens the immune system.

Below 20 ng/ml in the body means vitamin D deficiency.

The most important source of vitamin D is the sun.

In order for it to be synthesized in the skin, direct sunlight is required; vitamin D synthesis does not occur with sunlight coming from windows or glass.

For the appropriate sun ray angle; It is enough to sunbathe for 15-30 minutes between 10.00-15.00.

Approximately 80-90% of it is synthesized in the skin, while 10-20% is taken through foods.

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, eggs and liver are among the foods containing vitamin D. However, it is very difficult to eliminate vitamin D deficiency with daily nutrition. So our best source is the SUN!

Research shows that vitamin D deficiency can lead to patients such as heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, rickets and dementia.

If you are experiencing problems such as bone and muscle pain, bone sensitivity, muscle weakness, imbalance, difficulty in walking, be sure to have your vitamin D level measured.

In healthy individuals, sunlight and nutritional support are sufficient to meet the need for vitamin D. However, in cases of deficiency or insufficiency, it is important to use supplements under the supervision of a physician. Since it can be stored in the body, excessive use may have toxic effects, so it is important to use it consciously.


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