Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. Blood pressure is a parameter affected by patient characteristics (such as age, gender, race) and...

Physical condition (such as rest, effort) . For this reason, it is actually quite difficult to determine normal blood pressure values. Unlike adults, normal blood pressure values ​​in children vary according to age groups. Blood pressure varies within the same individual and between individuals. For this reason, the individual's blood pressure should be determined by taking the average (measurement of blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer at least 3 times at separate times). Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart diseases. If left untreated, it causes an increase in serious morbidity and mortality rates for cerebral circulation, cardiovascular, eye and kidney diseases. Once a diagnosis is made and treatment is started, increased blood pressure can be reduced and the risk of disease in the heart and cardiovascular system can be reduced.

How is Blood Pressure Formed?

Blood pressure is affected by the vascular system. has a close relationship. Blood vessels leave the heart and spread to all organs and cells. Blood vessels, which resemble an elastic tube, gradually become thinner and disperse throughout the body, like the branches of a tree or the roads on a highway map. The smallest vessels can only be seen under a microscope. These vessels carry the oxygen, nutrients and blood cells necessary for the body to the organs. With the contraction or expansion of these vessels, blood pressure rises or falls.

The mechanisms that create blood pressure are listed below;

A. The speed of blood entering the blood vessels,
B. Diameter of the vessel,
C. Lubricity, hardness and elasticity of the vessel wall,
D. Density and quantity of blood.

What is the Prevalence of Hypertension?

High blood pressure in children is a common belief in the society. 'CHILDREN DO NOT HAVE BLOOD PRESSURE' Contrary to popular belief, it is common. In order to detect this, blood pressure must be measured in every child patient as part of the examination.

What Complaints Occur in People with Hypertension?

When our blood pressure begins to rise above normal, that is, when hypertension develops, the most frequently expressed complaints are an uncomfortable headache, especially concentrated in the neck area. Complaints such as ringing in the ears, a feeling of fullness in the head, dizziness, edema in the feet, palpitations, strong heartbeats, vision problems, seizures, and abdominal pain. However, these complaints are often ignored and ignored because they do not last long. Moreover, the complaints are not directly proportional to the high blood pressure. If high blood pressure in children is not taken into consideration and diagnosis and treatment are delayed, we may encounter eye symptoms, kidney failure and heart problems in later ages.

What are the Risks of Hypertension?

Hypertension is serious. is a situation. Hypertension in itself is not lethal; But if left untreated, the consequences of hypertension can be fatal. Hypertension can strain the heart and cause heart failure. Moreover, it significantly increases the risk of atherosclerosis and the resulting ischemic heart disease (inability of tissues to breathe as a result of temporary anemia due to interruption of blood flow in a certain area). In addition; Patients with hypertension are more likely to suffer from bleeding and thrombosis of the blood vessels in the brain more easily than others. Hypertension is also a major contributor to coronary artery disease, a leading cause of death in industrialized societies. All of the things we mentioned are the consequences of untreated hypertension and constitute a large part of hypertension-related morbidity (disease) and mortality (death).

Salt in the Development of Hypertension. And the Importance of Kidneys

Salt is of great importance in the development of hypertension. In some people, the kidney's capacity to excrete salt (NaCl)may be limited, and excessive salt intake may lead to hypertension or failure to treat hypertension. Both animal experiments and studies on humans have shown that hypertension It has been proven that salt plays a role in the development of hypertension. The role of the kidneys in the development of hypertension is very important. A patient with hypertension likely has kidney disease. Therefore, all hypertensive patients should be examined for kidney diseases. For this purpose, even a simple urine examination is often sufficient. Detection of kidney disease in a patient with hypertension also enables early diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease. If there is already hypertension due to kidney disease, it is very difficult to control the hypertension without treating the kidney disease. In some cases, hypertension can also lead to kidney disease; "Did hypertension occur first or did kidney disease occur first?" It may be difficult to distinguish this. This situation can become complicated, just like distinguishing between "the chicken or the egg first".

Damages of Hypertension to the Body

There are vessels in the human body that feed all organs and tissues. Hypertension is a condition of increased pressure in the blood vessels. There is a pressure in all veins, just like the water pipes that carry water to the taps in our homes. Just as increased pressure in water pipes causes blockages and bursts, hypertension also causes bursts and blockages in the vessels. Since there are vessels in all organs and tissues, hypertension can affect the entire body. The organs most affected by hypertension are; heart, brain, kidneys, large arteries and eyes. Hypertension can affect these organs, causing permanent disability and death.

The main damages that hypertension causes to the body are summarized below:

1. Heart failure, heart enlargement, narrowing of the vessels feeding the heart (coronary artery stenosis), blockage of the vessels feeding the heart (heart attack)
2. Cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, brain Narrowing and blockage in the vessels
3. Kidney failure, deterioration in kidney functions
4. Decreased vision and blindness
5. Expansion of large arteries, rupture of these dilations, and blockage in these vessels. As a result, death occurs due to gangrene or sudden bleeding.

Hypertension can be treated. It is a serious disease and these damages can be minimized with adequate treatment. In order to minimize these damages, our patients must read the Frequently Made Mistakes section. If hypertension is diagnosed in time and treated appropriately, the diseases listed above and their related deaths can be prevented.

How is Blood Pressure Measured?

Blood pressure mercury, aneroid It is measured with the help of three types of devices: and electronic devices. The classical method is the devices measured with mercury and air, which we call aneroid. With the classical method, measurement is made briefly as follows. The arm garment is rolled up to the shoulder, and the upper arm is wrapped with the part of the blood pressure device called the cuff, which has an inflatable rubber inside. This part is connected to the part of the main device called the manometer with a rubber tube. By letting air in through this part, the rubber part inside the cuff on the arm is inflated. The diaphragm of the stethoscope should never be placed under the cuff. During this inflation process, the blood pressure monitor is inflated by another 30-40 mmHg after the pulse disappears. This level is generally the level that prevents blood from flowing down in the arm artery. Meanwhile, the tip of the listening device should be placed on the artery just above the elbow. Then, the button next to the manometer is gradually loosened, allowing the air to be released slowly. The pressure on the vein begins to decrease. When the level that allows blood to flow in the vein is reached, sounds like heartbeats begin to be heard. The first sound heard is the systolic level, that is, the level that indicates systolic blood pressure, and is read from the dial on the manometer. The deflation process continues. After a while, the sound becomes inaudible. The point where it disappears is the small blood pressure, that is, the diastolic blood pressure. It is recorded by reading from the dial.

General rules for blood pressure measurement

• Blood pressure should ideally be measured in a calm and quiet environment, while you are rested and calm. It is beneficial not to consume anything that may affect blood pressure, such as cigarettes or tea, in the last 15 minutes. • Your arm where blood pressure will be measured should be bare, you should not wear tight clothing. should be supported,

Hypertension Patient How to Eat?

With salt restriction in hypertension patients, blood pressure values ​​can be improved in approximately one-third of hypertension patients. That's why salt restriction in the diet is important. If the person is overweight, he/she must diet to reach his ideal weight and stay at that weight. If there is an accompanying increase in blood fats or sugar, then he/she must follow a diet for the relevant disorders.


The main purpose of hypertension treatment is to reduce disability and death by preventing target organ damage. Other existing cardiovascular risk factors and target organ damage should be treated first. In patients with secondary hypertension, that is, in patients whose hypertension is due to another disease, the disease that causes hypertension should be treated. If the cause of hypertension cannot be determined, blood pressure should be reduced by changing the patients' lifestyle or with medication. Changing the lifestyle of patients (drug-free treatment) should definitely not be neglected. Pediatric patients with high blood pressure should definitely contact the pediatric nephrology center and undergo regular check-ups.

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