A Tooth Is Not Lost During Every Pregnancy

The idea that the baby gets the calcium it needs from the mother's teeth during pregnancy is a completely wrong belief. Calcium does not dissolve in the teeth. If the mother does not get enough calcium, the baby gets the calcium it needs from the mother's bones. This can cause serious problems in the general health of the mother. However, it is not possible for the mother to take calcium from her teeth. .The main problem is the gum problems that may occur in the mother.

Although there is no calcium dissolution in the teeth, some changes that occur during pregnancy can cause problems in the mouth. First of all, during pregnancy, mothers' sweet tooth increases. Brushing is neglected because the mother cannot take care of herself enough. Moreover, the feeling of nausea experienced in the early stages of pregnancy makes it difficult to brush your teeth. In addition, the acid in the stomach mixes with the oral environment as a result of vomiting, making tooth decay easier. Gargling with carbonated water after vomiting helps neutralize the acidic environment in the mouth. If such an application is not possible, just Rinsing the inside of the mouth with water helps remove the acid from the mouth.

Risk of premature birth or low-weight baby

Another important issue to consider during pregnancy is the gums. Pregnancy hormones may cause swelling and bleeding in the gums of some pregnant women. Pregnant women avoid brushing their teeth to avoid bleeding. This situation causes simple gingivitis in the early stages. This problem can be solved by regular brushing and flossing. However, if the mother does not pay enough attention to oral hygiene in the later periods, the accumulated food residues cause advanced gingivitis. If bleeding occurs, it is necessary to consult a dentist. Because advanced gingivitis carries the risk of premature birth or a low-weight baby. If the mother has a gum problem before pregnancy, the inflammation progresses faster and faster.

Pregnant women are also at risk of developing gum tumors. Hormones. It occurs as a result of irritation of the growths on the gums caused by gum disease. It can be left untreated as long as it does not disturb the mother. Otherwise, surgical methods can be used.

The best approach is for expectant mothers to consult a dentist and get help with the necessary treatments before deciding to become pregnant. Pregnant individuals need to pay more attention to their oral health, especially during this period.

I wish you healthy days.


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