Children are not miniature versions of adults, but people who are constantly growing and developing. Therefore, childhood heart diseases are quite different from adult heart diseases. Although there is no real increase in heart diseases seen in children in recent years, the recognition of these diseases among our people and doctors has increased.
Heart diseases seen in children are basically divided into three groups. These are congenital or congenital heart diseases, heart rhythm disorders and acquired (acquired) heart diseases.
1. Congenital heart diseases (colloquially “heart holes”) occur in approximately 1 percent of newborn babies. Approximately 25 percent of these are considered "critical heart disease" and these patients require intervention with cardiac catheterization, angiocardiography and/or open heart surgery. With appropriate and timely intervention, approximately 80 percent of babies born with critical heart disease can reach one year of age. Since successful interventions and surgeries can be performed in many cases that seemed hopeless in previous years, the number of patients with congenital heart disease reaching adulthood is increasing day by day.
2. Another important group of heart diseases in children is heart rhythm disorders. These disorders may occur in children with symptoms such as palpitations, fainting, and even sudden death. The frequency of these disorders is much higher than previously thought. So much so that some disorders can be seen in one in 250 children. However, these disorders are often overlooked because they are not diagnosed in a timely and accurate manner.
3. Acquired heart diseases include some viral or bacterial infections, rheumatic heart disease, problems due to drugs or poisoning, and heart muscle disorders. Rheumatic heart disease is the most important cause of non-congenital heart diseases in developing countries such as our country.
It should not be forgotten that heart diseases do not always cause symptoms in children and can be life-threatening. For this reason, it would be appropriate for every child to be evaluated at least once by a Pediatric Cardiology Specialist. It is very important for children diagnosed with heart disease to be protected from infectious diseases, regular vaccinations, good nutrition and care, and close follow-up by a Pediatric Cardiology Specialist.
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