Am I Pregnant?

·Pregnancy is one of the most special periods in a woman's life.

·When you first meet your baby and will live with him for 9 months, you can tell whether this period has started or not, your body will undergo various changes. It tells with symptoms.

· The first of the most basic symptoms that you are pregnant is the delay in the expected menstrual period. However, menstrual delay may also occur due to seasonal changes and various personal reasons. However, in case of long menstrual delays, the possibility of pregnancy should be evaluated. However, if there is a difference in the amount of menstruation and the symptoms that occur with menstruation, pregnancy may be in question.

Another way you can understand that you are pregnant is the changes that may occur in your breasts. Situations such as fullness in your breasts, tenderness, darkening of the nipple and a tingling sensation in the nipple may be signs that you are pregnant. Fullness, swelling and tenderness in the lower part of your abdomen can also be considered as signs of pregnancy.

· Along with nausea and vomiting, which are the most well-known pregnancy symptoms among the public, abnormal fatigue, sleepiness and dizziness are also important pregnancy symptoms.< br /> Frequent urination and increased sensations in the genital area may also indicate the possibility of pregnancy.

· Although these symptoms indicate the possibility of pregnancy, they are not valid. They can also easily arise due to environmental and personal reasons. For a definitive diagnosis of pregnancy, you must have a pregnancy test under the supervision of your doctor.

·Pregnancy symptoms according to their time:

·         From the beginning of pregnancy: Cessation of menstruation.
After 2-8 weeks: Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, tendency to sleep, dizziness.
After 6-8 weeks: Frequent urination, changes in the breasts and abdomen.

·          Pregnancy tests:

·         Urine tests:

·         Urine tests are pregnancy tests performed both at home and in laboratories. However, the accuracy is around 50% with simple urine tests that you can buy from pharmacies. can be provided. Urine tests in a laboratory environment give reliable results starting from the fifth day of menstrual delay. These tests are more reliable than ready-made tests because they can detect low hormone levels.

·         Blood Test:

·         The exact result can be obtained from the blood test without waiting for menstrual delay or various other symptoms. A blood test performed in a laboratory environment gives close to definitive results.
Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound: After the menstrual delay exceeds one week, pregnancy can be diagnosed with vaginal ultrasound. This procedure does not need to be done before pregnancy. For an abdominal ultrasound procedure, you should wait 10 days after the menstrual delay.


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