How is the treatment applied?
Along with mechanical cleaning, patients should be treated with one of the chemical agents. Medications used to kill lice are the main treatment method. It is applied locally to the scalp in the form of cream, lotion or gel. After the hair is wetted and rubbed with shampoo, it is rinsed and dried with a towel. Then, apply the mentioned medicine to the entire dry and clean scalp, wait for 10 minutes and rinse. Treatment can be repeated 7-10 days after the first application. The purpose here is to kill newly hatched larvae. Why is it important to remove nits? Nits, which are the eggs of lice, must be removed mechanically after treatment with shampoo. If it is not possible to get rid of the nits completely, lice may reappear after a while.
How should the hair be combed after treatment?
Wet combing is an effective mechanical cleaning method to remove lice. After the hair is wet, a lubricant such as conditioner is applied and the hair is combed with a fine-toothed comb for approximately 15-30 minutes. This screening process is repeated every 3-4 days for about 2 weeks until the lice are completely removed. Since lice do not temporarily move when exposed to water, they are more easily removed by combing. This method is a good alternative for very young children and those who do not want to use chemical agents. However, it is a time-consuming, long-term treatment method
Should the treatment be repeated? T
Failure in treatment depends on continued contact with other people with head lice, drugs not acting sufficiently on the eggs, or the development of resistance to the agent. Treatment can be repeated after a week.
Head lice is a parasitic skin disease caused by very small (1-2 mm), wingless, blood-sucking gray insects that live and reproduce in human hair and is seen with itching complaints, especially on the nape of the neck. . It is more common in women than in men. Head lice is a preventable and treatable health problem. However, it is still a problem that threatens the health of people in public places, especially school-aged children, their families and their social environment.
How do head lice live?
Head lice cannot fly or jump. The average lifespan of adult lice is 30 days. ndur. During this period, female lice lay approximately 10 eggs, called nits, on the hair roots per day, usually at night. Nits, which are tightly adhered to the hair, are typically located on the back of the head, near the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Under optimum conditions (30°C and 70% humidity), the nits hatch from their eggs and become visible in approximately 8-9 days. They ripen in the next 9-12 days. While nits can survive on fabrics and blankets outside the human body for up to 10 days, head lice can only survive for 1-2 days and cannot survive on pets.
Who gets head lice and where?
Hair Lice is more common in children. It is more easily transmitted in crowded environments such as schools and dormitories, where people live together and use common items. It is more common in girls. Poor hygiene is not a risk factor for head lice. How is head lice transmitted? It is transmitted through close physical contact (head-to-head) with an infected person or shared personal items belonging to that person, such as combs, brushes, scarves, pillows, hats and furry toys. Lice can be transmitted to a distance of 1 meter from the sick person while combing hair or changing a sweater.
How do we understand lice?
The first clue that indicates lice; It is an itching sensation on the scalp, nape of the neck and behind the ear. Itching is an allergic reaction to the secretion of lice. To detect lice, the hair on the nape of the neck and behind the ear should be examined carefully. Since lice avoid light, only small eggs (nits) clinging tightly to the hair can be seen. What are lice and nits mixed with? Nits are often confused with bran. However, when the dandruff is lightly tapped, it separates and falls to the ground. It is almost impossible to separate nits from the hair with fingers.
How to detect nits and nits?
Special fine-toothed combs can be used to detect nits or nits. After removing the tangles, the hair should be thoroughly combed from root to tip, and the comb should be carefully examined for the presence of lice or nits each time. All hair should be combed in this way at least twice. Seeing lice is more difficult than seeing nits because lice can move and hide.
Does lice have anything to do with cleanliness?
Head lice are not an indication of being dirty or sick. With appropriate treatment You can get rid of lice. There are no serious or long-term health problems associated with head lice. How is head lice treated? Everyone who comes into contact with people with head lice should be examined and treated together with the patient. Personal belongings of patients that may contain lice or nits should not be shared.
How to clean previously shared items?
Items such as brushes, combs, hats, head covers, pillowcases, towels should be washed with hot water, items that cannot be washed. Lice and eggs should be completely removed by dry cleaning or keeping it in a sealed plastic bag for 2 weeks. Rugs, furniture, mattresses and car seats should be thoroughly vacuumed. Shaving the hair can be helpful in the treatment as a mechanical cleaning method.
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