When stress is detected, the ignited stress response takes over control of all systems, including all endocrine systems. Cortisol suppresses almost the entire endocrine system. These changes feed chronic diseases. The person may experience countless complaints such as pain, depression, dementia, fatigue, high blood sugar, fatty liver, constipation, gas, ulcers, osteoporosis, cancer, blood pressure, loss of libido, joint pain, panic attacks or insomnia. It is important to decipher and eliminate stress stimuli and to measure and modify the body's stress response.
Many times, the person himself is so accustomed to living under stress that he thinks it is natural and does not even realize this situation that upsets his systems. In today's people, stress stimuli come one after another throughout the day.
What are stress stimuli?
Infections, loss of a loved one, toxins, financial difficulties, lack of relaxation, inadequate sleep, allergies, excessive exercise, smoking, bad food choices, emotional stress, sugar and flour, sedentary life, hypoglycemia, medications, insufficient micronutrients, work stress, caffeine, coffee, fear, working in an unwanted job, negative beliefs, marital stress. All of these stimuli are perceived as threats by the body and cause a stress response, that is, cortisol secretion. Under normal conditions, cortisol reduces its secretion by giving feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary, but if the threat, that is, the stress stimulus, is persistent, this feedback is ignored and cortisol continues to be secreted. High cortisol level means a sympathetic system constantly on alert, suppressed parasympathetic system, suppressed immune system.
Chronic suppression of the parasympathetic system means that in case of perception of stress, everything that is not of 'immediate vital importance' is put on the back burner. These include the liver, digestive system, kidneys. It slows down liver detox enzymes, and stomach, pancreas and intestinal secretions are suppressed. In other words, it paves the way for many diseases such as stomach ulcers, irritable bowels, gas problems and reflux.
As the stress becomes chronic, the organism's self-protection reflex will come into play in the late period. To avoid complete exhaustion, the body no longer receives stress stimuli. prefers to remain unanswered. Thus, cortisol secretion decreases in this late period. In other words, it becomes unable to respond naturally and flexibly to new threats, large or small. This phase, where the body becomes unable to create a stress response, is called adrenal fatigue.
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