What is Depression?

Depressionis a mood disorder. Emotion is the main and persistent emotional tone experienced internally and changes one's behavior and perception of the world. Affect is the external manifestation of emotions. Mood can be a normal elevated or depressed state of mood. In depression, the mood is depressedand is seen as an exhausted mood. The person cannot enjoy and enjoy life, and is stuck in a vicious circle with constant negative cyclical thoughts. He has an intensely pessimistic perspective on life.

Causes of Depression? Causes of Depression? What Causes Depression?

Most mental health disorders develop cumulatively and begin to become evident and disrupt a person's life after a recent triggering event or traumatic experience. Usually, clients notice it during this period. These events can be described as early loss of parents, separation from loved ones, job loss, divorce, having a bad and traumatic childhood, some hormonal changes, seasonal transitions and cause depression.

What Does a Depressed Person Do?

The person experiences a depressive mood throughout the day and loses interest and desire for life. Severely unable to enjoy life, weight loss or gain, insomnia or increased sleep, slowed movements, feeling tired and exhausted most of the day. often experiences feelings of restlessness, worthlessness, and guilt. He may have difficulty focusing, indecisiveness in daily work or at work.

How to Identify a Depressed Person? What Are the Symptoms of Depression? What Are the Symptoms of Depressive Disorder?

Depression is not always easy to recognize. Sometimes patients have difficulty in describing their depression, they may try to explain their grief and lack of enjoyment in life by complaining of aches, palpitations or nausea. The patient may not recognize the feelings of grief, reluctance, or are ashamed to say them, and may apply to psychotherapy with somatic complaints, palpitations, inability to breathe, numbness and tingling, widespread pains, fainting, indigestion, gas, and gastrointestinal problems such as nausea.Depression symptom Since it is abstract, it may seem like lack of effort, inadequacy or laziness to some patients. They may express their troubles with their bodies, thinking that their relatives will not believe them and belittle them. Some symptoms may be depressionprecursors. Such as not being able to leave a loved one, social withdrawal (avoiding eye contact, being with family), helplessness, hopelessness, complaints of extreme pain and non-compliance with treatment. Depression symptoms are listed below in the treatment of depression.

9 Signs of Depression

  • Unhappiness, sadness, grief, crying,

  • Lack of pleasure, apathy and reluctance,

  • Feelings of worthlessness, thoughts of guilt, perceiving illness as a punishment for oneself, thoughts of failure and helplessness

  • Repetitive death, suicidal thoughts,

  • Concentration, indecision, absent-mindedness,

  • Psycomotor slowdown or agitation,

  • Sleep problems, inability to fall asleep, frequent, early, unrested awakenings, oversleeping

  • Appetite problems, loss of appetite, weight loss, overeating,

  • Weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, loss of energy,

What is the Frequency of Depression?

Depressionis one of the most threatening public health problems. World Health Organization; “Depression and other common mental illnesses Global Health It was estimated that 322 million people worldwide were affected by depression in 2015, making it one of the most common mental disorders. Depression is predicted to be the second leading cause of disability and death worldwide, after coronary heart disease, by 2020. >

  • Knowing the patient

  • Making a correct diagnosis in terms of depression and its types,

  • Deciding on treatment together with the patient to give the diagnosis and treatment information to the patient, and to sign the treatment agreement� � do

  • Ensuring the development of patient insight (self-knowledge)

  • Application of Effective Psychotherapy Techniques and Methods most appropriate for the patient's needs

  • p>
  • Assessment of clues to recovery

  • Maintaining healing

  • Conclude termination sessions implementation and termination

  • How Long Does Depression Treatment Take? How Many Sessions Does the Treatment of Depression Take?

    The process in the treatment of depression may vary depending on the patient's resources, lifestyle, and responses to therapy during the treatment process. However, on average, the beginning of recovery in 4-6 sessions and significant improvement can be achieved at the end of 8-12 sessions.

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