Anger Problems in Children and Adolescents

Anger is a necessary emotion as long as we can cope with it, and children can use anger as a defense mechanism. Anger, which is an emotion such as sadness, fear, surprise, and joy, develops spontaneously and causes some natural reactions. It is common for children to experience reactions such as reddening of the face, beating of the heart, trembling of the voice, and crying crises in young children, sometimes with anger. p>

Many of the obstacles that cause a child's anger may seem meaningless to a young or mature person. The child, who cannot get what he wants or is prevented from playing, may shout, shout and kick out of anger. This may be meaningless for adults. However, in childhood and adolescence, getting angry in the face of certain obstacles plays a reinforcing and constructive role in terms of protecting the personality, gaining dignity and maintaining this dignity.

Well, how does this anger turn into aggression? Aggression is the expression of anger. If the individual enters into unnecessary goals and expectations without defining his own reality, he may exhibit aggressive behavior towards individuals and objects that he or she considers to be an obstacle to them, when these are not realized. While Freud defines aggression; First of all, it is innate, has a common meaning for all living things, does not change with learning, He explained it as a universal instinct for everyone and accepted that it was connected to the sexual instinct. Aggression is a normal reaction in young children, and it is an expression of emotions and events that they cannot cope with in their daily life. It is the emergence of the child's needs in a different way by changing shape. We can explain aggression as the result of individual injury in another form. The child may express this injury with the aim of causing tantrums, screaming, hitting his peers, hitting family members, breaking things, spitting, kicking.

What Should Families Do in the Face of Their Children's Anger Crises?

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