What should we do to prevent our child from being affected by violent incidents?

We are all going through difficult and painful days. We all witness some traumatic events, but apart from us, our children, whom we need to pay close attention to, also go through this process with us. I wanted to write down how we can protect our children so that they can get through the tram with the least damage in these difficult days.

The priority should be protection from trauma..

Television, computers and especially social media. The accounts of our children who use it should be checked. It can be seen what they watched and what images they witnessed. We all know that very young children now have social media accounts. The security settings of these children's social media accounts should be checked, and if necessary, their accounts can be closed for a certain period of time.

Secondly, the environment where they can easily receive violent messages is the dialogues between adults. Conversations that are very frightening or contain disaster scenarios should be avoided. Even if kids don't seem like they're listening, they may be paying attention to what adults are saying. Depending on the development level of children, wrong meanings beyond what is intended may be inferred from these conversations, care should be taken.

If they have directly experienced or witnessed the trauma;

The child's violence and what he received from violence One should try to understand his message, what he feels, what he thinks. How the trauma is interpreted in the child's mind and what it means should be discussed without forcing.

If they cannot express;

Especially young children may sometimes not be able to express their feelings and experiences with words. In such situations, one can try to learn how they give meaning to events by paying attention to their behaviors and reactions. Sometimes behaviors such as avoiding sounds and images, changes in sleep and appetite, or not doing things that one always enjoys may indicate the effects of trauma on the child.


Talking about the trauma should not be avoided.

It is difficult to talk about bad events, especially traumas, with our children, and families may avoid talking about the events out of concern that the child may be affected, but this attitude may increase the child's level of exposure. Talk to the child in a language he can understand Communicating, understanding his feelings, and making realistic explanations can help him feel better.


Children should not be deceived...

Presenting what is happening as if it were a game. Trying to make it look better than it is is risky. When he finds out what is going on from other sources, it can shake the child's trust in the family. For this reason, honest explanations should be made that the patient can understand without exaggeration.


If advanced symptoms occur, expert help should be sought.

Stay safe..

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