What is HCG Test?

The man's sperm fertilizes the woman's egg within the woman's tubes, and as a result of fertilization, an embryo is formed. Cells called trophoblastic cells develop in the outer layer of the embryo and enable the embryo to attach to the uterine wall. These trophoblastic cells secrete the HCG hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone. Within 5 to 6 days after fertilization, the embryo settles in the inner layer of the uterus and continues to secrete more and more HCG hormone. Women cannot understand this process because the expected menstrual period has not yet arrived. Secreted HCG is found in the blood and urine, but measurements taken before the menstrual day cannot show whether there is a pregnancy.

If the menstrual day comes and menstrual bleeding does not occur, it can be understood whether there is pregnancy by measuring the HCG hormone in the blood or urine. Tests taken before the expected menstrual period do not give accurate information. The HCG test has nothing to do with ovulation tests. Ovulation tests can only give information about the day of ovulation and do not indicate whether there is pregnancy.

What is HCG Test and How is It Done?

Women who are suspected of pregnancy can determine whether they are pregnant or not with the HCG test performed from blood or urine. Nowadays, these tests are easily performed at home and in health centers. It is detected earlier in blood than in urine. While the test performed on a blood sample taken from the arm clearly measures the amount of the hormone and determines the actual level of HCG, it can also provide information about the approximate week of pregnancy, while the HCG test performed on urine can only give information about whether there is pregnancy or not. The most suitable sample for urine test is the first urine in the morning.

Can the HCG Test Be Used in the Diagnosis of Other Diseases Apart from Pregnancy?

HCG test is generally used to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not, as well as to screen for Down Syndrome during pregnancy. It is also included in the measurements of double and triple screening tests used for This hormone, produced in some types of cancer such as ovarian cancer, is used to determine whether men have testicular cancer. HCG may also increase in stomach, pancreas, large intestine, lung or liver cancers. It is used to monitor the diagnosis and treatment of hydatidiform mole disease, also called grape pregnancy, in women. In medical interventions If there is a suspicion of pregnancy, an HCG test should be performed first.

HCG values ​​in the blood are lower than expected in cases of ectopic pregnancy, death of the baby in the womb, a pregnancy of shorter duration than calculated according to the last menstrual period, or miscarriage.

How are HCG Test Normal Values ​​Evaluated?

It may vary depending on the laboratory where the HCG test is performed, the method used or the instruments with which HCG is measured. Values ​​below 5 U/L in men and below 50 U/L in women are considered negative. However, in women with suspicion of pregnancy, if the HCG value is below 50 U/L, it can be measured again at 48-hour intervals and it can be monitored whether the HCG has increased.

Things to Consider Before Testing

Heparin The use of hypnotic, antipsychotic and anti-nausea medications, some diuretics, or HCG injections for infertility treatment may cause false positive values ​​in cases of recent miscarriage. Patients who use medications that affect test results must inform the doctor requesting the test about their condition. Drinking too much water before the urine test will dilute the urine and may lead to false negative results.

Tests taken earlier than the calculated date or incorrect calculation of the last menstrual date may cause low or negative tests. For this reason, in suspicious cases, the test should be repeated after a few days.

HCG values ​​are not a simple blood test, they include many clinical conditions regarding diseases other than pregnancy, as well as whether the pregnancy is healthy or not. Your HCG test result should be evaluated together with your physician's examination. Although there are possible signs of pregnancy and HCG values ​​indicate pregnancy, the definitive diagnosis of a healthy pregnancy is made by seeing the gestational sac and the baby as a result of an ultrasound examination.

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