Man is born with a certain capacity. Mental capacity develops with increasing biological age and environmental factors. In order to make the existing mental capacity more comfortable in life, social relations must be developed in order to be healthy. cognitive flexibility; It is defined as the ability of the individual to adapt to every situation he encounters, to think that different alternatives can always occur in the face of people and events, and to apply multifaceted strategies in the face of a problem.
People with cognitive flexibility are aware of many strategies in the face of the problems they face and can use healthy ones. We can say that people who use healthy coping methods are more active, better spiritually, and have self-confidence. In addition to coping with difficult situations in healthy ways, being able to adapt to events and different people is an important factor for mental health. As long as the individual adapts, he or she does not get into too much stress, and as long as you are not exposed to stress, the health of the brain, mind and body is established. Due to the mental structure of the person, in order to feel safe, because he is afraid of innovations and differences, and because it is difficult to break his habits, the individual wants to have the same point of view in every situation and event. The mind always chooses the easiest and shortest way. This is the main reason for harboring prejudices without knowing people. Narrow and same point of view harms one's social relations. We can say that the more the individual's perception is compatible with what is happening in the world, that is, the facts, the better his mental health will be. Cognitive flexibility is knowing different explanations of situations and knowing that there will be different reasons behind the behavior of the other person. Buddha is the key to healthy relationships. We can say that individuals with cognitive flexibility are much more advantageous in their romantic relationships, friendship relationships and professional relationships. New paths and new friendships are not a source of fear but a source of different experiences for people with cognitive flexibility. The mental capacity of people who perceive my age as black and white and always focus negatively on events is inflexible. ge They cannot adapt to change, change and innovation. Flexibility is a factor that protects mental health and contributes positively to the psychological well-being of the individual. The result of many studies is that cognitive flexibility brings happiness along with it. Cognitive flexibility can be increased by devoting more time to social relations, expanding the social environment, leaving the moment to oneself during these relations, and developing awareness of one's own thoughts and feelings.
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