Trying to Have a Relationship with Someone Who's Always Right

We can say that in a relationship, the other party's constant critical attitude towards you means that they expect you to live up to their standards. Belittling a comment you made about a subject or making fun of a behavior you showed. Even though he seems to belittle you and your world, his belittling attitude is related to elevating his own value by devaluing you. What the other party desires here may be the desire to achieve perfection. In other words, it is also related to getting everything he wants. He does everything he does - even belittling - within such a logical framework that he makes you believe that he is right. The situation you are experiencing is degrading your world for its own high standards. And in this way, attributing value to oneself and achieving perfection. For this reason, we can say that he is constantly looking for flaws in you.

Trying to elevate his own value by devaluing you is a kind of devaluing himself. He finds many flaws in himself - every human being is flawed and deficient - but this is because he cannot tolerate his own flaws and shortcomings. And for this reason, he criticizes other people so much, highlights their flaws so much that the person truly believes that he is flawed, and the person who criticizes does so within the framework of justification and logic that you are convinced that he is perfect. This causes you a major self-confidence problem. This lack of self-confidence and the high self-confidence of the criticizing person make you dependent on him/her. And by continuing to be exposed to criticism, you cannot achieve the healthy relationship you desire and cannot break away from that person.

The unhappiness you experience and the fact that you have a strong addiction continues to reinforce your unhappiness. You continue to live a life of shutting yourself down in indecision and get caught up in the other person's high standards, making yourself sad, but without even realizing that you are upset..

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