Divorce Point in Marriage

Divorce Point in Marriage

Divorce in marriage is one of the basic issues as it will have a positive/negative impact not only on the spouses but also on the future in terms of raising healthy and happy children.

The institution of marriage is known as a 4 thousand year old phenomenon and is a fundamental structure in terms of its core quality in the regular development of social life. The roles of spouses in marriage are important and, like every human phenomenon, have been discussed at every stage of the historical process.

Family relations and even the entire family phenomenon is a dynamic structure that develops, is nourished and maintains its continuity through marriage. With this feature, it is the smallest whole of society and the fact that it is torn apart by divorces causes anxiety in all segments of society.

Marriage is a long-lasting union and requires cooperation in coping with the difficulties of life. In this process, the concept of "Marriage Fatigue", which has been discussed in recent years, is important. Spouses should take precautions, cope and develop healthy communication regarding this fatigue.

Couples should first act with the awareness that they will experience a new process when they decide to get married and should be aware of their new roles. They should review their approach and how they should behave. Previously, they received this information from their elders within the extended family, with whom they felt emotional closeness. If they cannot benefit from these relationships due to reasons such as migration, lack of communication, lack of time, etc., it is important for them to clarify their perspectives by getting professional consultancy. It will be more advantageous to act consciously at the beginning, rather than getting worn out after the problem occurs and correcting the deficiencies in the process.

In other words, in order to avoid reaching the point of divorce, three important basic steps should be taken into account: personal development and spiritual preparation.

These steps;

Spouses' preparation for marriage by receiving professional support, development in harmony and communication in marriage It is important for them to gain skills in issues such as efforts and finding solutions to conflicts, stress management, crisis resolution, and effective communication. Because marriage is a perspective. It means that spouses leave their mark on the future together.

If divorce is inevitable, the couple's goal should be to go through that period without harming each other and without further wear and tear. Counseling support during and after the divorce will be beneficial.

The point of divorce means that the legs that keep the marriage alive are no longer in place and is the point of ending the relationship.

We know that every relationship is special and has its own characteristics. It carries its conflicts as well as its harmony, integrity and solutions. Divorce can sometimes be one of these solutions, but it should be the last option.

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