Student Coaching

When it comes to working with a student coach, the exam year usually comes to mind. However, if a student can manage the process with a planned and solid psychology while in the middle class, the exam preparation year will pass more comfortably. It can prevent us from thinking properly and thinking clearly. That's why getting a student coaching support is very important for every grade level.

With the coaching activities that start in the middle grades, the students solve the permanent learning and exam strategies and the requirements of the exam system in a very early time. Instead of the pile of topics accumulated in the exam year, the helplessness these issues bring, and the stress of not knowing where to start, a pleasant preparation process is substituted. In fact, student coaching and student-parent relations also follow a healthy path. With the support provided to families, the developmental period we call adolescence, one of the benefits of the student's development process, is completed with pleasure, with less conflicts and the understanding of family members to each other. In addition, student-family communication problems, etc. The problems experienced leave their place to pleasant family sharing. Because students are aware of their lessons and themselves, parents are aware that their children are conscious, and they can approach them more consciously with the awareness they have gained.

Imagine a very famous athlete is working with a coach. So why does he have a coach when he is so good in his field? Because by our nature, we like to let go, we don't like the challenge, we can put the stability aside instead of working with discipline and take shape as we want at that moment. What can we do, we have the desire to do the things we love and do the things that do not force us... He constantly monitors and controls what he does. Success comes after stability, order, plan and programmed work.

I always say that Without p and control there is no success. It is very important to see the places that the student cannot see, to accompany him while drawing the road map, to raise awareness and set goals, to ensure that he sees what he has to do in reaching the goal he has set. The importance of working with a student coach cannot be overlooked in order to complete the examination process in a healthy and sound manner, and to complete this process without damaging family ties.

With my best regards

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