I aim to try to increase your awareness on this issue by summarizing marital problems in a clear and brief way.
First of all, let's take a look at the problems arising from marriage itself;
Joint responsibility, competition, distance adjustment, boundary confusion, close bond/transference problem (mother-father-child relationship) Difficulty of being me in we Different cultures and software (what is watched in the family in the early years affects your marriage beyond your control, whether you want it or not) Monotony, over-confidence, living in a single pole - Constant home, family trust , togetherness can create a "hunger" for opposite poles in many people, and as a result, the person may rush uncontrollably to the opposite pole (cheating, etc.) or make his partner pay the price for staying in this pole for a long time. Or distress, reluctance, physical complaints, etc. stabilizes this situation with.
Individual Factors; Psychiatric problems such as alcohol, gambling, etc., Sexual problems (new research emphasizes that sexual problems underlie most marital problems and mostly infidelity).
Personal development problems (Lack of communication and compromise skills) Different family cultures Cheating; Sometimes it can occur as the source of problems and sometimes as a result.
Factors related to partner selection
Choices arising from the non-existent pole (when the characteristics of the opposite pole are acquired, there is no longer a need for the other partner), for example, the introverted partner's , not being able to enjoy the relationship after becoming more extroverted than the extroverted spouse.
Completing the unfulfilled pole with the other partner becomes a burden.
Experiencing situations such as the loss of a father, bankruptcy, or being cheated on right before the elections makes it difficult to do what one normally does. It can force you to make choices you wouldn't think of.
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