Allowing shoulder-arm movements; It is a structure made up of tendons, muscles and joints. However, this mobility and overuse can also have consequences. These are painful or life-limiting problems in a spectrum ranging from shoulder impingement syndrome to imbalance of bone structures.
There are 3 bone structures that make up the shoulder; Humerus (upper arm bone), Scapula (Scapula), Clavicula (collarbone) The scapula, known as the scapula, has a cavity and our arm bone, which we call humerus, fits into this groove. This structure is also called the glenoid. The muscle-tendon junction ensures that the arm is attached to the center of the shoulder and provides stability. One of these tissues that provides shoulder integrity is the rotator cuff muscles. These muscles cover the head of the arm bone and attach it to the scapula.
There are various diseases and conditions of the shoulder; shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tendinitis, arthritis, recurrent shoulder dislocations (voluntary/involuntary), frozen shoulder, fractures, tumors, infections, nerve problems... Medical assistance should be sought as soon as possible. If the pain is less severe, it may be safe to rest for a few days to see if time will fix the problem. If the symptoms persist, it will be the best choice to see a doctor.
In shoulder examinations; following a comprehensive medical history; physical abnormalities, swelling, deformities, muscle weakness, sensitive areas are checked. Shoulder range of motion and strength are observed. Tests such as X-ray, MRI, CT, EMG, Arthrogram help the diagnosis when necessary in addition to physical examination.
Treatment of these various shoulder problems; may vary depending on the problem, its duration, and its source. The treatment starts with medications, rest suggestions, and life change suggestions, and when necessary, injections and various surgical methods are applied according to the patient's condition and complaint.
!Note: This article is purely for informational purposes; There are no therapeutic aspects and recommendations.
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