Common Complaints in Cervical Spine Diseases

Cervical spine diseases (cervical disc herniation, neck calcifications, cervical spondylosis, whiplash injuries, neck axis disorders, etc.) cause many complaints. Cervical spine diseases are very common diseases. Although they are very common and easily diagnosed, these diseases can often be overlooked because they manifest themselves in very different ways.

What are cervical disc herniation, neck calcification, cervical spondylosis, whiplash injury?

The protrusion of the discs between the cervical vertebrae is called cervical herniation, changes in the cervical vertebrae due to aging and degeneration are called cervical calcification, bony changes along with disc diseases are called spondylosis, and neck damage resulting from trauma such as traffic accidents or falls is called whiplash injury.

Cervical spine diseases not only cause neck and arm pain, but also cause many complaints about the autonomic nervous system.

The cervical spine is an anatomical pathway through which the spinal cord passes, and it also supports life for breathing and food passages. provides. Additionally, the vertebral artery passes through the vertebral canals and reaches the brain. The main vessels feeding the brain pass next to the cervical vertebrae. In addition, height has important contributions to vision and hearing. Neck; It is the most mobile and yet the most delicate part of the spine.

In cases of cervical disc herniation and neck calcification

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