Nutrition in School-Age Children

6-11 YEARS OLD (School Age)

In our age, individuals spend the most important parts of their lives at school, we call this period that children go through school age. During this period, children; They are in the period when physiological, psychological and social development, as well as growth and development, are rapid, lifelong behaviors are formed to a large extent, and individuals are most suitable for acquiring information and acquiring habits.

School age is in a slow but continuous growth and development.

The purpose of feeding the child is; It is to ensure normal, healthy growth and development and positive eating habits.

However, during the school age period when the child consciously enters social life for the first time, wrong eating habits are frequently seen in children who are often left alone in and out of school.


Not knowing how much and what type of food the child needs, irregular food intake, wrong food selection, faulty practices in the preparation, cooking and storage of food, and unsuitable food given and eaten in schools cause nutritional problems.

The main nutritional problems seen in children of this age are;


It should not be forgotten that children see what they see. They like to imitate. If you eat junk food in front of the television, grimace when you see vegetables, and buy cola drinks, chocolate, chips, and ready-made fruit juices at home, you should remember that your children will also consume these and will watch your behavior and do the same.

You should not teach your child to play computer games. Encourage active games. If you participate in these games, your child will stay away from computer games.

Try to cook healthy meals together. In this case, you will both contribute to your child's intelligence development and make it easier for your child to love eating by helping to make it.

Snack habit� Earn money. You can choose alternatives such as yoghurt-cheese-milk-vegetables-fruit for snacks.

Nutrition in children should be determined according to the child's age, gender, body weight and physical activity. During this period, children may be influenced by their circle of friends and advertisements and turn to wrong eating habits.

In this case, it is important for the family to be conscious and for the correct guidance of the school administration and the teacher.

The most important thing is that the child has an adequate and balanced diet. indicator is growth and development.

In order for the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals taken daily from food to be used in the most appropriate way in the body, the nutrients in the four food groups must be distributed balancedly in the meals.

School child, per year It grows on average 5 cm and a weight gain of approximately 2.5 kg develops.

Calories sufficient to ensure growth and development should be presented to the child in an appropriate form containing high nutritional value and complex carbohydrates.

Energy needs, growth rate, Although it varies with body portions and physical activity, it is 90kcal/kg in the younger child and 55-70kcal/kg/day in the older child.

With the slowing down of the growth rate after the infantile period, the need for protein decreases and between the ages of 7-12. It decreases to 1.0g/kg/day.

Breakfast becomes of great importance for children during this period. Having a sufficient breakfast at home prevents the child from turning to junk food. The main reasons are that the child does not want to have breakfast, and that family members who do not have a habit of eating breakfast cannot instill this habit in the child, or that the child cannot get up early in the morning.

As the consumption of other meals will be done at school, the child is offered two options: Canteen and school cafeteria.

If the school does not have a cafeteria or is inadequate, it would be best for the family to prepare healthy meals at home and give them to the child in order to prevent the child from being fed fast food from the canteen.

General Principles in Children's Nutrition

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