"I am an experienced patient as much as you are an experienced doctor."
The Brothers Karamazov / F.M. Dostoyevsky
“My psychology is broken. I am a psychiatric patient.”
There is no concept of disease in psychiatry. Because in medicine, disease only refers to certain conditions that occur for a specific reason. The first reason why they are not defined with the concept of disease is that psychiatric disorders can arise from various reasons and the interaction of more than one reason. There are not always concrete, obvious factors. It is unclear which and how effective the effects of personality traits, genetic factors, environmental, socioeconomic-cultural factors are. The second reason is that the same reasons may not affect someone else. Although many people may have experienced the same social events, not everyone may be traumatized; may not show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The third reason may occur with other disorders. A person who has experienced a loss may show depressive symptoms after the mourning process. Depressive symptoms may evolve into an anxious state in someone who intensely experiences the possibility of experiencing another loss again. It may show both depressive and anxiety symptoms; It may be diagnosed as adjustment disorder.
Tightly linking causes and effects may lead to wrong conclusions. For all these reasons, the word "disorder" is preferred instead of "disease" in psychiatry, which excludes the causality perspective. Many challenging, distressing situations can be described as "disorders" if they have maladaptive consequences in daily functioning or in the person's abilities and interpersonal relationships. Otherwise, although many people experience the same difficulties and distressing situations, they can continue their lives very comfortably and their functionality is not affected by this situation. The criterion that should be kept in mind is that the person "complains about it himself" or exhibits behavior that causes disharmony within the public order. Except for legal matters, "compulsory" treatment cannot be applied without the person's request.
"How about you give me therapy too?"
It aims to eliminate or reduce emotional, mental or behavioral disorders in psychiatric and psychological problems. All techniques and methods that target psychotherapy are defined as psychotherapy. Origin: Greek The word psychotherapy, which comes from Anca, is derived from the combination of the words psycho (mind, soul) and therapy (treatment). The target audience of psychotherapy is not only adult individuals with psychopathology; Children, adolescents, families, couples and various groups can also benefit from this service.
Psychotherapy does not only aim to treat mental and mental health-related disorders; It also aims to resolve life difficulties in various areas such as work, family and school, increase psychological adaptation and assist personal development. While doing this, he makes use of various methods and schools.
Psychotherapy is not a "mandatory" treatment, nor is it a standardized treatment that can be applied to everyone in the same way. One of the most common jargons used in psychiatry is “there is no disease, there is a patient.” In other words, individual-specific problems are treated with reference to individual-specific scientific methodological knowledge. Treatment is not just a process in which therapeutic techniques are applied. The impact of the empathic approach on healing cannot be ignored. Just as empathy alone does not ensure well-being, neither do techniques alone ensure well-being. Therapy is the process in which techniques based on scientific knowledge are applied in an empathetic relationship.
The "experienced patient's" experiences regarding their difficulties and what they learn from these experiences become meaningful with therapy. A natural consequence of psychotherapy is to make the meaningless meaningful. We can only intervene "good" in the things we understand. Change occurs only through action, not by thinking.Read: 0