Yo Yo Syndrome

Hello everyone. This week, we will tell you what is yo yo syndrome?, Who is at risk for yo yo syndrome?, What is the harm of yo yo syndrome to the body? I will talk about the answers to questions such as.

What is yo yo syndrome?

Obesity, the disease of our age dominated by unbalanced, unhealthy nutrition and sedentary (inactive) life, is so prevalent. At a time when it is common, the desire for popular diets and rapid weight loss is increasing. As a nutritionist, what I always say is that it is inevitable for the weight lost quickly to be regained quickly. Let's see in this article the causes and consequences of the complaints we frequently hear from my clients, such as "I lost 10 kilos and gained 20 kilos".

Regaining the weight lost quickly through methods such as very low-calorie diets, shock diets, popular diets or starvation, and We call the situation that occurs when this is repeated at least 3 times yo yo syndrome. Wrong diet is not the only reason that causes yo-yo syndrome. Yo-yo syndrome has many causes. Unconsciously used weight loss medications, changes in the individual's psychological state, and unconscious use of diuretics or laxatives can also lead to yo-yo syndrome. Unfortunately, in such cases, the weight that quickly disappears from the body comes back quickly. And one of the risky aspects of this situation is that many individuals do not realize that they have this syndrome.

The risk group of yo yo syndrome is mostly women. Women have a higher risk of contracting it than men. Studies show that even 5% to 10% of the weight loss should be maintained for 6 months. People who quit their diet for 1 or 2 months also experience this situation frequently.

What happens in our body in yo-yo syndrome?

The rapid weight gained and lost affects your body's metabolic rate. It slows down your speed and unfortunately slows down your metabolism. In advanced degrees, your metabolic rate will become completely accustomed to starvation, so you will only perform vital activities and your metabolic rate will decrease completely. Rapid weight loss may cause deformations in the body as it will cause muscle and water loss. As this cycle of weight gain and loss occurs, it causes psychological effects on individuals. In long-term hunger Sugar cravings and eating attacks may also occur with blood sugar imbalances.

During unconscious use of weight loss drugs and diuretics and laxatives, which is another cause of yo-yo syndrome; metabolism accelerates, heart rhythm increases, frequent defecation occurs and sweating increases, blood pressure increases, menstrual irregularities occur, and psychological disorders such as irritability and anxiety may also occur.

In addition, diuretics and laxatives should be used under the supervision of a doctor. It should never be used for weight loss purposes. These drugs increase defecation and cause dehydration in the body. In other words, they do not have any properties such as melting body fat. With long-term use, the intestine begins to stop responding to such drugs. Therefore, you will also disrupt the intestinal microflora. It may also cause heart rhythm disorders when used unconsciously.

If you think you have this syndrome, what you need to do is first consult a doctor and nutritionist. You can also get help from a psychologist or psychiatrist when necessary. It will be the most accurate and healthy way to reach your ideal weight with a special nutrition program prepared for you by your nutritionist. After this stage is over, the most important part of the treatment is the protection part.

In order to avoid yo-yo syndrome, it is important to start dieting determinedly and make the diet not only a tool to lose weight, but also to regulate our health and make it a lifestyle. Instead of diet lists you see on the internet or prepared for other individuals, ensure your weight control with a program created for you, with help from an expert. Avoid eating only one type of diet. Remember the importance of variety in the diet. Regular physical activities increase your body's metabolic rate. Don't forget to add regular physical activity to your life. Be aware that any food consumed in excess - even if it is healthy - is stored as fat. Remember that every glass of water you drink contributes to your metabolic rate and make it a habit to drink a glass of water every hour.

Hoping that the diets that started on Monday continue, I wish you a healthy week.

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