By the World Health Organization (2006), sexual health is: “a state of physical,
emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; not just dysfunction, absence of disease, or
injury. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful
approach to sexuality and sexual relations, as well as the possibility to have enjoyable and safe sexual experiences that are free from coercion, discrimination and violence. In order to achieve and maintain sexual health
, the sexual rights of all people must be respected, protected and fulfilled
”. It has been declared by the World Health Organization that women's
female sexuality is not only an important component of women's health, but also
a fundamental human right.
Sexuality is an interspecies It is a deep-rooted physiological condition. In animals
sexuality is a complex issue that can be approached from different perspectives, as it is based on the interaction between nervous, endocrine and genetic factors. Humans, on the other hand, are also influenced by cultural environments that require sexual behavior and dynamic behavioral adaptation. Therefore
a multi-system interaction is required to secure both features and more complex human-specific functions
. Neural structures that influence sexual behavior are found throughout both the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system. It is a multi-factor action depending on the p>integration. In women, the sexual response is more complex
due to the elaborate interplay of neuroemotional responses, relational intimacy seeking, and dramatic fluctuations in hormonal
Sexuality has a high impact on personal well-being. has an effect. Sexual quality of life includes all aspects that result in satisfactory sexuality. This means that sexual quality of life
is more than just a disease or condition that can lead to impaired sexual functioning
. Falling in love includes the ability to form a sexual and romantic relationship, and
the ability to feel secure about one's sexuality. with sexual problem r,
can be an indicator of impaired sexual life quality. In addition, it was determined that general physical
functionality, partnership and self-worth affect the quality of sexual life. Additionally
attitude towards one's own body, especially genitals and body image
has an impact on sexuality.
Quitatively or quantitatively low sexual function can have a negative impact on quality of life
and this is generally associated with life stressors, low
satisfaction, lack of happiness, economic factors.
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