Bladder problems are among the urinary system problems frequently encountered in the whole society. Due to these disorders that cause complaints such as urinary incontinence, both the daily life and sleep patterns of individuals can be adversely affected. For this reason, health problems related to the bladder should be evaluated and treated appropriately. Although Botox is generally thought to be used for aesthetic purposes, it is a method used to correct many medical conditions.
What is Bladder Botox?
Bladder Botox is a treatment for some medical conditions that cause urinary incontinence. It is one of the main methods of treatment. In this procedure, a special substance called botulinum toxin is injected into the bladder. Botulinum toxin is produced by a special type of bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. This toxin, which is used in the treatment of many diseases, mainly acts on the communication between nerves and muscles. Thus, the stimulation irregularities on the muscles can be eliminated and a solution to the dysfunctions can be created. One of the areas that benefit from this effect of botulinum toxin on the muscles is urological problems. The bladder, located in the lower urinary system, is the organ where the urine produced by the kidneys is stored. In the contraction irregularities in the muscle tissues of the bladder, complaints such as urinary incontinence can be observed. With bladder botox, it is aimed to eliminate these problems by eliminating excessive stimulation on the muscles. The steps applied during bladder botox are as follows:
In Which Situations Is Bladder Botox Done?
The detrusor muscle is one of the basic structures that cover the bladder wall and are responsible for urination functions. is one. Botox treatment can be an effective solution against working irregularities in the detrusor muscle caused by various reasons. Bladder botox is a treatment method that can cause urinary incontinence and is especially beneficial in cases of overactive bladder syndrome and urge type incontinence. Urinary incontinence, which is seen in approximately 17% of women and 3-11% of men, is a problem that affects the lives of individuals negatively, although it is frequently encountered in the general population. Due to this health problem, various disruptions may occur in people's daily, social, work and school lives. The symptoms that are frequently observed due to bladder disorders are as follows:
- Frequent urination
- Sudden need to go to the toilet (urinary)
- Nocturia (waking up at night from sleep) need to urinate nervousness) and related sleep disorder
- Urinary incontinence (incontinence)
- Active bladder syndrome,
- Detrusor muscle hyperactivity developing in adult individuals with neurological problems such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and spinal cord (spinal cord) damage. and urinary incontinence,
- Excessive detrusor muscle overwork and urinary incontinence complaints in children older than 5 years old. Bladder Botox can be an effective solution method in cases where no results can be obtained or if it is directly preferred by the doctor.
Botox Solution for Active Bladder Problem
Overactive bladder syndrome can cause some problems related to urination. It is an inconvenience. A normally functioning detrusor muscle rests in a relaxed position to store urine in the bladder. When the urine level increases, it contracts and contributes to the discharge of urine. During active bladder syndrome, the detrusor muscle works differently and more actively than normal. As a result, the need to urinate arises due to muscle spasms, even when there is no urine accumulation at levels that create a toilet feeling. Although there is no clear factor in the formation of active bladder, the following conditions may have an effect on the development of this disease:
- Urinary tract infections,
- Consumption of substances such as caffeine and alcohol that cause bladder irritation,
- Urinary tract stone problems,
- Medications used,
- Incorrect urination habits,
- Some neurological diseases.
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