This is a form of regular short-term fasting.
Intermittent fasting helps people consume fewer calories and also helps optimize certain hormones related to weight control.
Intermittent fasting methods:
16/8 Method: Skip breakfast every day and eat within an 8-hour feeding window, such as 12 noon to 8 pm. (16 hour fasting – 8 hours)
Eat-Stop-Eat: Do one or two 24-hour fasts each week, such as not eating from dinner one day until dinner the next day.
>5:2 Diet: Consume only 500-600 calories two days a week, the other 5 days eat normally.
You don't compensate by eating much more during non-fasting periods. As long as you do, these methods will lead to reduced calorie intake and help you lose weight and belly fat.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Your Hormones?
Body fat is the body's way of storing energy (calories). . When we don't eat anything, the body changes a few things to make stored energy more accessible.
This is related to changes in nervous system activity, as well as a major change in several important hormones.
In your metabolism. What changes:
Insulin: Insulin increases when we eat. In fasting, insulin decreases significantly. Lower insulin levels facilitate fat burning.
Growth hormone : Growth hormone levels can skyrocket and increase up to 5-fold Growth hormone helps with fat loss and muscle gain, among other things It is a hormone that may Although you might believe eating meals, short-term fasting can actually increase fat burning.
Two studies show that fasting for about 48 hours increases metabolism by 3.6%. He found that it increased by -14 percent. Religious fasting 2 days a week also speeds up the metabolism. It resets your body. If you make the iftar adequately according to your needs, you will see the benefits immediately.
Short-term fasting leads to various changes in the body that make it easier to burn fat. This includes reduced insulin, increased growth hormone, improved epinephrine signaling, and a small increase in metabolism.
Intermittent Fasting Helps You Reduce Calories and Lose Weight
Intermittent Fasting The main reason why fasting works for weight loss is that it helps you eat fewer calories.
The different protocols all involve skipping meals during fasting periods. If you don't compensate by eating much more during meal periods, you'll consume fewer calories.
According to a recent 2014 review study, intermittent fasting can lead to significant weight loss. This review found that intermittent fasting reduced body weight by 3-8% over a 3-24 week period (2).
People also lost 4-7% of their waist circumference, indicating they lost belly fat .
These results are very impressive and show that intermittent fasting can help with weight loss.
All that being said, the benefits of intermittent fasting go beyond just losing weight. It also has numerous benefits for metabolic health and may even help prevent chronic diseases and extend life.
Intermittent fasting can consciously help you eat less It's a convenient way to restrict calories without trying to eat. Many studies show that it can help you lose weight and belly fat.
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