
Skin thickening observed on the soles of the feet is called hyperkeratosis. Skin thickening is actually a response to incorrect foot pressing. Under normal conditions, the heel area of ​​the foot, the thumb joint level and the fifth finger joint level are responsible for carrying the load. Due to foot defects (such as flat soles, insteps, high arches), the increase in load on these areas primarily causes skin thickening in these areas. In later periods, the deformity of the foot causes areas that normally do not bear weight to be under pressure. Especially due to excessive load on the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, these skin thickenings are observed as painful points on the sole of the foot.


The main goal in the treatment of this problem is to eliminate the pressure defect on the foot. . First of all, all patients are tried to ensure proper foot pressing with special insoles. In patients where load distribution can be achieved with insoles, complaints will disappear in approximately 6-8 weeks. However, in advanced deformities, the insoles used will either not be sufficient or the complaints will recur as soon as the use of insoles is stopped. In this group of patients, surgical treatment plans will be made to correct the compression defect.

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