A beautiful voice is one that can influence the other party when used during communication and is appropriate to one's physical appearance and status. It is a necessity to have a voice that does not cause gender confusion, especially during phone calls.
Voice aesthetics includes surgeries performed to achieve the voice a person wants and needs. With these surgeries, the structure of the person's vocal cord is changed.
Although these surgeries are most commonly performed on people with gender-non-conforming voices, they can also be performed on professionals who want to achieve a better performance in their profession or people who want to remove the childishness in their voice.
Surgery techniques performed from the neck or inside the mouth can be applied.
In surgeries performed on the neck, a small incision of 3-4 cm is made and the larynx is reached. At the same time, while this area is opened, the protrusion in the front part of the larynx, called the Adam's apple, is also corrected in people who change gender from male to female, allowing the person to have the appearance of a woman's neck.
Sound thinness and thickness are determined by measuring the sound frequency.
Sound frequency 180 Hz. When on, the voice is feminine.
The desired frequency is achieved by changing the length, thickness and tension of the vocal cord. A feminine voice can be achieved by reducing the mass or increasing the tension of the vocal cord. Surgery selection varies depending on the person's needs and anatomy. In some patients, more than one procedure may be required.
In men, the voice does not deepen after puberty. In mutational falsetto disease, which causes the patient to remain high-pitched and thin, voice therapy can be performed and the patient can achieve a deep voice without surgery. However, surgery is used in cases that are too stubborn to be corrected by therapy.
In addition, voice deepening surgery is performed on people whose voice is too thin to match their appearance and gender.
During the surgery, the patient's voice is listened to and the operation is terminated when the appropriate thickness is reached. The patient can hear how deep his voice becomes during surgery. operation s He can talk to his surgeon during.
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