Sexual responses consist of three stages:
Desire (libido)
In sexuality, libido is anatomically and physiologically separate from arousal and orgasm. In other words, libido (desire) may decrease on its own while arousal and orgasm are maintained.
Research has found that sexual desire (libido) in men and women is related to the activity of some centers in the brain and the level of some secreted neurotransmitters and testosterone. Some diseases and medications used can reduce a person's sexual desire. In addition to these, the psychological state of the person and the couple's communication with each other may cause the libido to increase or decrease.
How is Sexual Desire Disorder divided into?
Sexual Desire Disorder is divided into two. .
Decreased sexual desire; The person has a decreased sexual desire and a hidden avoidance of sexuality.
There is a sexual aversion disorder, a phobic avoidance towards sex. In a situation where medication should be started when the patient has panic attack-like symptoms
Arousal disorder; Lack of arousal in women, impotence in men
Orgasm disorder; Premature ejaculation in men, late ejaculation inability to orgasm in women.
Treatment Approaches to Sexual Problems:
The sexual problems experienced are the result of psychological defenses, emotional and problematic mental processes. These reasons disrupt the person's sexual reflexes and erotic feelings.
Sexual problems have many underlying etiological factors such as negative stimuli received from the environment during the development of the person, unconscious sexual conflicts, and problems with his/her partner.
If we cannot find a cause in the treatment of sexual problems, even if we give the patient a positive insight about sexuality, we cannot get an effective way.
The underlying cause of impotence is performance anxiety, in which partner pressure increases, and the resulting noradrenaline release in the body and erection failure. Here, we must find the cause of the problem and eliminate it.
In sexual problems, each symptom responds to different treatment protocols. In many cases, underlying sexual problems are sexual conflicts originating from childhood, false teachings originating from society, or There may also be problems in the current relationship.
Success in sexual therapy is achieved by addressing the underlying problems, concerns and the sexual problems they cause. The necessary intervention should be focused on whether the couple resists healing.
Sexual exercises used in sexual problems are extremely effective. But we must make some changes according to the characteristics of each individual. This flexible approach is necessary due to the psychodynamic differences of each individual. For example, in our country, we may encounter unnecessary resistance by giving masturbation exercises to people who grew up with strict religious rules.
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