Child Subjected to Violence

As a parent, you have no tolerance; You may find that all the responsibilities are too heavy and you are trying to cope with most things on your own. All of these may cause you to become angry with your child, whose actions and actions you would not normally be angry with, and may even cause you to commit violence.

However; You may be causing the greatest harm to your child, whom you care about and say, "If anything happens to him, I won't be able to live" and whom you think you love more than your own life. Because the psychological problems caused by violence are permanent and are debilitating because the person cannot immediately realize and overcome them. Violence is not just physical. I can broadly define violence as follows; one to another; They engage in violence by subjecting them to emotional, physical or sexual abuse, isolating them socially, controlling them financially or depriving them. In other words, 'I do not do anything physically to my child; I only punish; Situations where you feel in control and limit the other party, such as "I will restrict your pocket money", are also under the heading of violence.

One of the biggest thinking mistakes made is; "He is a child, he forgets anyway, or he is a child, he does not understand!" is the thought. However, this is not true; In other words, the child understands the violence, but does not forget it, and is seriously affected and worn out by it. Studies show that even witnessing violence affects children; It is impossible for them not to be affected when they are exposed to it. Emotional and behavioral problems occur in children exposed to violence; Some of these are noticeable, while others affect a person's life unnoticed to a great extent. Emotional harm in children generally; It occurs in adolescence or parenthood. That is, when he finds an environment where he can reflect the same behaviors to someone else. Children learn violence from parents. Because parents are role models for the child. It is also natural for him to reflect the violence he is exposed to at home to his friends, both in the classroom and at home. Because he received violence from his family as a problem-solving skill when he encountered a difficulty. However, if parents were solution-oriented instead of problem-oriented when faced with a difficulty or under difficult conditions; The child will also acquire this skill.

How does experiencing violence cause distress in the child? Can it lead to? Children may have depression due to violence; It may be observed that the weight gain is not healthy compared to the developmental period. The child who is subjected to violence usually has a sad expression. They may experience hallucinations; Introversion may occur and somatic-physical complaints may occur.

Apart from these, in the child exposed to violence; Fear, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, behavioral and developmental stress, physical complaints, low self-esteem, confidence problems, adaptation problems, academic failure, attention deficit, communication problems, and asocial personality may also occur.

Parents How should he treat his children? First of all, parents should support their children. Because whether the child makes mistakes or not, if he knows that he has parents he can trust, he will easily reveal his own skills. You should not neglect touching your children; Don't forget to hug. Make time for them. Reinforce positive behaviors, but do not try to eliminate negative ones by punishing them. Because everyone can make mistakes, and the person who accepts his mistakes and moves forward can take more successful steps.

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