Nutrition in Cancer

How does psychological stress affect cancer patients?

The physical, emotional and social effects of a cancer diagnosis are very stressful. In such cases, behaviors such as alcohol use and smoking may be observed in some patients, while in others, situations such as withdrawal may occur, and this may lead to deterioration in the quality of life after cancer treatment. On the contrary, we see that patients who can develop effective methods against stress and apply methods such as relaxation and stress management are less anxious and less depressed in their cancer-related complaints. Some experimental studies have shown that mice carrying human tumors metastasized more as their tumors continued to live in a stressful environment. There are also laboratory studies showing that this is due to norepinephrine, which increases vascularity and is secreted during stress. In a study conducted among women with breast cancer who received chemotherapy before surgery, it was found that the disease recurrence rates were lower in those who used drugs that turn off the receptors affected by norepinephrine, which we call beta blockers. In addition, although the exact mechanism is not understood, mortality rates are higher in patients suffering from stress-related burnout. It seems possible that this may be related to situations such as not wanting treatment, giving up on life, and that this may lead to situations such as malnutrition and drug use.

So what should cancer patients do to cope with stress?

Receiving spiritual and social support can teach patients ways to cope with stress, reduce the level of anxiety and depression, and the demoralization caused by side effects of cancer treatment. Be sure to share with your doctor the situations that upset you or bother you. This will relieve you greatly.

My suggestions:

- If possible, do not change your daily life too much. If there is nothing preventing you from working, do not quit your job, or if you are not working, try to acquire hobbies that will connect you to life,

- Remember that there are people who love you and they are always with you,

- Receiving training on relaxation, meditation and stress coping techniques. This may take the form of participating in practices at the Oncology Institute or obtaining information on the relevant subject from books and the internet,

- Talk Attend treatment therapies,

- Attend cancer education seminars (such as attending Patient School Practices),

- Attend social support groups ,

- Use anti-depression medication (as recommended by your psychiatrist or doctor),

- Exercise.

Lack of adequate nutrition education, both in the family and at school, plays an important role in the acquisition of faulty eating habits. Skipping meals and consuming food and beverages with high sugar, salt and fat content are among these habits.

The wrong eating habits we have bring about serious health problems. These faulty nutritional practices in childhood; It is the main risk factor for high blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity (excessive obesity) and some obesity-related cancers (such as colon, breast, pancreatic, prostate and uterine cancers). The above are basic nutritional recommendations that apply to everyone.

If we are being treated for any cancer, the importance of nutrition increases even more. In this case, breakfast should be made in the morning and meals should not be skipped. For bone health, care should be taken to consume calcium-rich milk, cheese and yoghurt. Protein intake should be sufficient, but processed products such as salami, soudjouk and sausage should be avoided as much as possible. As red meat, we can choose boiled lamb and beef or grilled meatballs. Chicken meat is also a good source of protein and there is no harm in purchasing it from a butcher we trust. Plenty of vegetables and fruits and at least 8-10 glasses of liquid should be consumed a day. In addition to water, drinking normal light tea, green tea, rosehip tea, chamomile, linden, mint-lemon teas may be useful in increasing the daily fluid amount. It should not be forgotten that consumption of food and beverages with high sugar, salt and fat content brings with it many diseases. This is also valid for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Since green vegetables contain plenty of fiber, they are foods that must be consumed for our intestinal health and to avoid constipation. We should cook them with oil, preferably olive oil, and consume at least two portions a day. Grapes v It would be appropriate to limit the amount when eating excessively sugary fruits such as figs. Generally, consuming two portions of seasonal fruits a day is sufficient. However, it should not be forgotten that what we eat should be rearranged by our doctor in case we have diarrhea or constipation. Spice consumption should be allowed as long as it is not disturbingly bitter. Especially spices such as ginger, turmeric and black cumin can have appetizing and immune-regulating effects. Again, as long as it is not excessive, consuming kefir can relieve you by reducing the side effects of chemotherapy such as mouth sores.

Remember, there is no magic food or nutritional supplement that cures cancer!

Care should be taken to consume clean and germ-free foods. Raw vegetables and fruits should never be eaten without washing them with plenty of water. Openly sold foods should not be purchased. Hands should be washed before eating, and dirty hands, which carry many disease microbes, should not be applied to the mouth and eyes.

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