Acute Joint Rheumatism (Rheumatic Fever)

Acute joint rheumatism (also called rheumatic fever) is an inflammatory joint disease that occurs as a complication of group A beta hemolytic diseases

such as throat infection or scarlet fever

caused by microbes called streptococci. is the disease. Although it is most common in children between the ages of 5-15

, it can also be seen in younger children and adults. In developed countries

throat infection or scarlet fever caused by such microbes are usually treated

before acute joint rheumatism develops, while in developing countries this complication is common

. Apart from acute rheumatism, the beta streptococcus microbe can also cause permanent heart diseases or brain disease.

Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus microbe often causes throat infection, less commonly scarlet fever, and rarely skin infection. It is not yet clear how this microbe causes rheumatic fever, but it is also known that it causes a deterioration in the patient's immune system. A protein in the bacteria is similar to a protein in the patient's joints, heart, skin or brain tissue. Because of this similarity, 

mistargeting occurs when the immune system tries to target the microbe and eliminate it from the human body.

The fight against microbes begins against the body's own tissue.

As a result, the balance of the organism is shaken and the joints, heart and brain are damaged by this struggle. If the sick child is treated well and sufficiently cleared of beta microbes, he/she will be free from these complications. Dear readers, in this article, I will mainly talk about acute joint rheumatism, which is the most common of the complications.

Rheumatism fever (or acute joint rheumatism) occurs after the second and fourth weeks of beta-hemolytic strep throat.

We can summarize the most common findings in patients as follows:

There is fever and fatigue.

There is swelling, redness, increased temperature, pain and sensitivity in the joints. Most Many knees, elbows, feet and wrists are affected; while one joint heals, complaints begin in the other.

Painless small nodules (bumps) appear under the skin. ,

AkuRedness occurs on the skin, some of which are raised above the skin, and some with irregular edges at the skin level.

Some patients complain of chest pain. Disease in the heart muscle and heart failure, narrowing of the heart valve space or backflow of blood passing through the heart valve, heart rhythm disturbance are possible heart complications.

Although rare, some patients experience involuntary, purposeless and uncontrollable movements.

These movements are almost like dancing and are seen most often on the hands

feet and sometimes on the face. Sometimes, meaningless behavioral disorders may be added to these movements.

For example, the patient may start laughing explosively and violently in an inappropriate environment.

. The reason is central nervous system (brain) involvement. This is called Sidenham's Korea.

When to consult a doctor? If your child has a sore throat, runny nose, swelling of the throat and neck lymph nodes, nosebleeds and dark nasal secretions, difficulty in swallowing saliva and food, head and neck area without having a cold. If you experience complaints such as rash on the body or a strawberry-like red color on the tongue, please consult a doctor. Your doctor may order blood tests, throat culture, electrocardiography, echocardiography. If necessary, he can get an opinion from a neurologist.

Appropriate antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary (if Sidenham Chorea is present)

Drugs to prevent involuntary movements, and additional treatment methods are applied depending on the situation. The general trend is to give long-term prophylactic antibiotic treatment to prevent complications.

. In addition to these treatment practices, bed rest should not be neglected as per the doctor's recommendation.

Dear readers, I hope to see you in another article, bid farewell and wish you healthy days.


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