Among deaths due to all types of cancer, deaths due to breast cancer rank second. Lung cancer comes first. According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) 2007 data, in our country with a population exceeding 70 million, 22 out of 100 thousand women are diagnosed with breast cancer. The death rate from breast cancer is stated to be approximately 10 per 100 thousand women.


Spontaneous bloody or transparent discharge from a single breast and a single duct, It causes nipple discharge, the cause of which needs to be investigated. In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If the patient is over the age of 35, mammography is also performed in addition to ultrasonography. Examination findings by the doctor and imaging tests such as mammography and ultrasonography may also be found normal. If necessary, additional imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging and/or ductography are used. In recent years, a lighted instrument (ductoscopy) thinner than 1 mm is entered through the canal in the nipple, where the discharge comes from, to investigate whether there is a lesion inside the canal. In such nipple discharges, two-thirds are detected as intraductal papilloma, which is a benign lesion but increases the risk of breast cancer, and the second is cancer, with a rate of 9-20 percent.



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