Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Autistic spectrum disorders are the new name for a series of disorders that occur in early childhood, previously known as "pervasive developmental disorders", including different types such as "Autism" and "Asperger Syndrome (AS)".

It is a disorder that gets better results the earlier it is recognized and appropriately directed.

If you observe more than one of the following symptoms in your child, do not immediately assume that he or she is autistic, but contact the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry together with your child and request an evaluation. !

Asperger Syndrome, known as the disorder of famous people such as Einstein, Newton and Tesla, is now included in ASD.

Some experts consider it not as a disability but as a different cognitive style and an extraordinary ability. It is accepted that individuals with AS experience all three of the disorders related to communication, interaction and imagination seen in ASD, to varying degrees.

Verbal speech and cognitive abilities are developed normally or above normal.

It lasts a lifetime, but this one Children can learn to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and improve their social skills.

The first symptoms appear in infancy.


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