CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY Heart angiography is usually performed through the leg artery (femoral angiography), and in patients where this vein is not suitable, through the arm artery (brachial-radial angiography). By administering a special drug into the heart vessels (coronary artery) and using x-rays, the structure of the heart vessels is examined. It is a diagnostic method in which the contraction strength of the heart muscle, leakage or stenosis of the heart valves are detected and images are recorded. There is no need to anesthetize the patient during the procedure. So it does not require general anesthesia. Only the entry site is anesthetized regionally with local anesthesia. The patient is awake and able to talk during the procedure. Coronary angiography is not a painful procedure and can usually be performed in a short time. Since the procedure is entered through a large artery, patients are placed on bed rest for a while to prevent bleeding. The patient can eat 1 hour after the procedure and can stand up after 2 hours. Cardiac angiography is only a diagnostic method, not a treatment method, and a treatment plan is made according to the results of angiography. There may be dangerous complications during angiography, but this rate is 3 in 1000 patients in good hands. Apart from this, minor bleeding, called minor complications, may occur. Most of these complications are harmless and do not threaten life.
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