Insulin resistance is the formation of insulin resistance due to the pancreas secreting more insulin hormone as a result of the accumulation of glucose in the blood due to the deterioration of the receptors that allow glucose to enter the cells.
Due to the fast life brought by today's developing technology and the increase in unhealthy ready-made food consumption. The prevalence of insulin resistance and diabetes is increasing rapidly as a result of changes in lifestyle.
Type II DM caused by insulin resistance is an important and preventable disease, but it is turning into a chronic disease that is increasing in society day by day. As a result of the research, it has been proven that adequate and balanced nutrition has an important role in preventing the emergence of diabetes, delaying it, and preventing complications.
- Especially overweight and in individuals with unbalanced nutrition.
-In individuals with a family history of insulin resistance.
-In individuals leading a sedentary life.
-Insulin resistance increases, especially in the last 3-4 months of pregnancy.
The increase in blood sugar after food consumption affects the fasting metabolism, causing hunger quickly, feeling of satiety late, feeling of hunger at intervals of 2-3 hours, desire to eat sweets. Coldness and trembling in the hands, rapid weight gain, fatigue and weakness are common symptoms.
Many people with insulin resistance develop type 2 diabetes in the future. At this stage, the risk of diabetes should be eliminated by creating a balanced and adequate nutrition program under the control of a dietitian. Insulin resistance diet should be planned well so that blood sugar does not drop rapidly and hunger crises do not occur.
Things to consider when doing an Insulin Resistance Diet:
-Packaged Food consumption should be avoided as much as possible.
-Consumption of white bread, pasta, simple sugar sources, rice pilaf and starchy foods should be avoided.
-Attention should be paid to the correct fat consumption. Fatty cuts of meat It should not be consumed.
-Fresh fruits, which are a source of fiber, should be preferred instead of dried fruits.
-Foods containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be included and consumed in a balanced manner in the nutrition program.
-Whole grain products and legumes should be consumed as carbohydrate sources.
-Bulgur pilaf or whole wheat pasta should be preferred instead of rice pilaf in meals.
- Milk, buttermilk, kefir, as well as fruit consumed in snacks. Protein sources such as should be preferred.
- Fibrous foods cause blood sugar to rise later. That's why salads should be added to meals.
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