Relief from Sexual Trauma Symptoms

Sexual violence refers to all forms of violence that involve sexuality. The person who commits sexual violence may be a stranger or a close person such as a spouse, lover, friend or relative. Sexual violence is shockingly common in our society.

Regardless of age or gender, the impact of sexual violence goes beyond any physical injury. The trauma of being raped or sexually assaulted can leave a person emotionally shattered, frightened, embarrassed, isolated, or cause nightmares.

Being exposed to sexual violence recently or in the past can have many effects. Sometimes the person experiences these intensely, they affect his daily life, and sometimes he is not aware of them. Knowing these effects will also help you cope with them.

Psychological and Emotional Effects,Unhappiness, intense anxiety, fear, anger, insecurity, guilt, shame, feeling alone and helpless, loss of self-confidence


Physical and Daily Life Effects; Gastrointestinal problems, sleeping problems, eating problems, weakness, sexual disorders, withdrawal from social environments, reluctance in work or education life, outbursts of anger, deterioration in friendship relations.


Exposure to sexual violence is a very difficult situation to deal with physically, psychologically and emotionally. Some of our thoughts or behaviors can make this already distressing situation even more difficult. To minimize your own burden and the damage you suffer, you can try the following suggestions:


Don't Blame Yourself; “Why did I trust him, why couldn't I oppose him or why didn't I tell anyone, Don't get angry at yourself by saying "I didn't ask for help." No matter the circumstances, you didn't ask for it and you never deserved it. Unfortunately, this is an event that can happen to people of all ages and genders, and the only person to blame is the perpetrator.


Don't Try to Ignore Feel like "I can handle this situation on my own." Do not increase your burden even more with thoughts such as “I am a strong person and this should not affect me”.

The event experienced is a trauma and sometimes its effects may not be immediately understood by the person. But it's like this didn't happen Acting out or ignoring them will not help the healing process.


Avoid alcohol and drugs. Avoid alcohol or drugs. Substance and alcohol use worsens many trauma symptoms, such as emotional numbness, social isolation, anger, and depression

Don't Walk Away From Your Loved Ones It is common to move away from friends, family, and social circles after a sexual assault. But staying connected to life and the people who care about you is crucial to your recovery. Spend normal times again with people who care about you and realize that you are not alone. Talk and share the trauma you experienced and your feelings with people you feel comfortable with and to the extent you feel comfortable.


Care about your basic needs Even if you feel reluctant, try to take care of your sleep, eating and health. It is not in your power to change the trauma you have experienced, but you can ensure that it does not destroy the value you give to yourself and the beauty in your life. The sexual trauma you have experienced may be intense, but you are not just this trauma. Your body still needs your care.


When to Seek Psychotherapy Support for Trauma?

Recovering from trauma takes time and everyone has their own heals quickly. However, if months have passed and your symptoms are not improving, you may need professional help from a trauma specialist.

Get help for trauma if:
