50 Shades of Anxiety

The factor that plays a major role in the formation of sexual problems is performance anxiety. We can define anxiety as the inability to tolerate uncertainty and persistent symptoms of tension in various areas. In addition to these characteristic features, it has a structure that continues with a search for some kind of assurance and focuses on the possibilities of negative outcomes as a way of thinking. Individuals who lack sexual self-confidence tend to be anxious about their performance. This tendency fuels a cycle that repeats itself, and negative expectations for performance lead to negative results. Because performance anxiety causes a lot of harm to sexual functions.

Anxiety experienced in an uncontrollable way is a threat to feelings of self-efficacy. Individuals who experience premature ejaculation and erection problems feel guilty when they encounter these situations. With each negative experience, it makes them more convinced that they will fail the next time. They become more worried that the next time they have sexual intercourse, they will fail again. If a man tries to have sexual intercourse while he is anxious, he may develop erectile dysfunction because anxiety makes him physically tense, making it harder to maintain an erection. To experience sexuality, a relaxed body and a relaxed mind are required.

Erection creates high blood pressure in the penis. When a man is sexually aroused, the penile arteries dilate and blood flow increases within the penis. When enough pressure builds up, the blood inside the penis compresses the penis to expand, making the penis hard/erect. However, performance anxiety that occurs during intercourse triggers anxiety and tension, so the body's emergency hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, are secreted. These hormones reach the penile blood circulation within a second and reverse the erection process. The blood vessels of the penis narrow, so that less blood passes through them, and the dirty blood discharge channels that allow excess blood to be discharged quickly open, blood is drawn and the penis softens. At a different point, performance-oriented men with poor ejaculation control find themselves in a vicious circle again. Consumables to avoid premature ejaculation They may give up the effort and choose to ejaculate quickly and then feel bad, or they may make an extraordinary effort and delay ejaculation until their partner orgasms and they become tense, thus exposing themselves to adrenaline and losing their erection. Performance anxiety is fueled by fear of failure. Fear of failure causes more intense performance anxiety and subsequently causes conditions such as permanent erection problems. Women are disappointed when such situations are encountered and the relationship is short-lived. In chronic type problems accompanied by performance anxiety, after a while the man does not spend enough time on foreplay and focuses only on the erection of the penis. When his penis becomes hard, he immediately continues with the desire to have intercourse. This situation causes the woman to not be sexually aroused sufficiently. If we go further, we can think that in the formation of sexual problems, women-related and man-related reasons form a chain that feeds on each other. There is a possibility that the woman may experience different sexual dysfunctions as a result of this situation continuing.

Sexual problems are the problem of the couple, not the individual. Unconsciously, women may feel hurt and feel that their partner's loss of erection does not make them attractive enough. However, this is a well-known mistake. Some emotionally sensitive women may feel hurt, rejected, and depressed by their partner's lack of control. Worse things can happen in a couple's relationship. If a man starts to feel too protective and guilty about premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, he may avoid having sex altogether. Because in an established problem, the action taken for pleasure has now turned into a painful problem. If your partner knows before intercourse that you will react angrily every time he tries, how can he enjoy making love with you? So don't wait too long without doing something about your problem.

Lack of control that causes psychological harm; It causes your self-esteem, self-confidence, sexuality and relationships to worsen.

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