Botox Injection


Half of my patients are “against botox”. They tell me that botox makes people mask-faced, distorts expression, and is poison. It's like being against botox is a bit of a trend. Sometimes it is impossible to change such prejudices.

I am a surgeon. I don't use Botox very often. In fact, this medicine can correct some areas that I can correct with surgery by the same amount in ten minutes, and believe me, it narrows down my surgery area and number. But I will defend "botox" to the end, about which there are so many wrong prejudices and which, in my opinion, does not deserve these criticisms. In my opinion, this is an extremely controlled, reliable, risk-free and simply wonderful drug that can be an alternative to some surgeries.


The main reason for the wrinkles on the sides (crow's feet) is the movements of the muscle under the skin. Botox reduces the movements of these muscles by preventing them from receiving stimulation from the nerves for three to six months. This eliminates wrinkling. A forehead treated with Botox appears smoother and wrinkle-free. Eyebrows move less and frowning becomes difficult. After the third month, this effect decreases and the muscles gradually return to their previous movements towards the sixth month. The sweat glands in the area where Botox is applied also work less. People who have excessive sweating in their palms, feet, and armpits can be treated with Botox to reduce these complaints for a year.



How does Botox treat? ?

A small amount of Botox is injected into your face with small needles. Thanks to these needles, it shows its effect by stopping the transmission between the nerves and the organs that the nerves reach. Botox relaxes the muscle by blocking the nerve impulses to these muscles for a certain period of time. and as a result, it allows the skin to tighten on its own and wrinkles to disappear.

Does Botox have side effects? An eyelid problem called >“ptosis”may occur and cause discomfort for the patient for several weeks. Other side effects that may be seen are complaints such as headache, respiratory tract infections, cold syndrome and nausea.

Who cannot receive Botox?

Application with this drug is pregnant. It is not applied to women. Centers that usually apply Botox do not apply Botox to breastfeeding mothers either.

How long should I have Botox?

The effect of Botox is visible on the human face. Its visible positive effects appear within a week and the duration of effect is 3-9 months, but the average is 6 months. People who have been treated with Botox regularly for 2 years may experience a significant decrease in their muscles and a corresponding change in facial expression if they continue in the same way. For this reason, I recommend that the applications be made at longer intervals after the 2nd year.


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