Many changes occur in the body during pregnancy. It is extremely important to determine whether the changes in the body are normal or pathological.
What are the Common Disorders in Pregnancy?
Especially at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, there is a significant calcium transition for the mineralization of the baby's bones. . Therefore, there may be painful cramps in the legs and hands during these weeks. It will be beneficial to massage during cramps. Increasing the consumption of yogurt after the 20th week of pregnancy prevents cramps. If cramps are present despite consumption of milk and dairy products, the use of calcium or magnesium may be effective in preventing cramps. There may be numbness and pain in the middle fingers during pregnancy. Although it is generally beneficial to massage the hand and rest the wrist, it will usually improve after pregnancy without the need for treatment.
What to Do Against Nausea?
With the effect of hormones increasing in the first 3 months of pregnancy, especially in the morning including nausea and vomiting. Generally, from the 12th week of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting decrease rapidly and there is no problem of nausea at the 16th week. Especially in the first 3 months, consuming fat-free, odorless, non-spicy, solid foods will be effective in reducing nausea. It should be fed frequently and in small amounts. During nausea, do not force yourself to vomit because vomiting does not provide relief. Salty solid foods (such as white roasted chickpeas, unseasoned chips, salted potatoes, white cheese sandwich) should be taken during nausea, and breathing deeply from the open area can be relaxing. If nausea-vomiting continues despite all the precautions, the use of certain medications under the supervision of a doctor will help to overcome this process.
What to Do for Pregnancy Diabetes?
Blood sugar problems during pregnancy due to increased hormones after 20 weeks it could be. Excessive weight gain and starting with excess weight during pregnancy increases the risk. To detect it, all pregnant women should have a glucose tolerance test between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. First of all, blood sugar is regulated with the appropriate diet program, if adequate blood sugar regulation with diet is not possible. If crying does not occur, insulin may need to be started. After pregnancy, blood sugar usually returns to normal levels.
What to Do Against Reflux, Gastritis and Constipation?
During pregnancy, stomach and bowel movements slow down and the tendency to reflux increases due to the relaxation of the valve between the stomach and the esophagus. . In order to prevent reflux, one should not go to a lying position immediately after a meal, and a high pillow should be used while lying down. Due to the decrease in stomach acid during pregnancy, gastritis complaints decrease. Constipation may increase throughout pregnancy due to slowing of bowel movements. Iron and vitamin drugs used during pregnancy can increase the problem of constipation. In order to prevent constipation, plenty of fluids should be consumed, pulpy and fibrous food should be consumed, fruit should be consumed, a few dried apricots a day can help prevent this problem.
Should Screening Tests Be Performed?
time to reveal the risks for mother and baby; Thyroid function tests, blood count, urine analysis, hepatitis, iron-vitamin B12 levels and screening for infections that may cause anomalies in the baby should be performed. Between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy Dual test, which is the Down syndrome screening test, the neck thickness of the baby and the nasal bone examinations should be performed. 16-18. A quadruple test, which is also a Down syndrome screening test, should be performed within weeks. 18-22. Second-level detailed ultrasonographic scanning should be performed between weeks and weeks.
24-28. Between the first 3 months of pregnancy, the sugar loading test should be applied to all pregnant women.
Can Exercising While Pregnant?
If there is no medical problem after the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women should be encouraged to exercise. Aerobic exercises and cardio exercises are recommended. 2-3 days a week, 45-60 minutes walking, swimming, pregnancy-specific yoga or pilates can be done. Exercises should be continued until a few weeks before delivery for weight control and a comfortable pregnancy.
What to do if there is bleeding?
During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding should never be considered normal. Especially in the first days of pregnancy, spotting during the implantation of the embryo does not cause a problem, but in case of bleeding, it should be checked with ultrasonography. Bleeding originating from the placenta in the last 3 months of pregnancy is extremely important and It may risk the life of mother and baby.
Can I Get Rid of Abdominal Cracks?
As pregnancy progresses, stretch marks may occur on the abdomen, legs and breasts as a result of increasing tension on the skin. In order to prevent stretch marks, attention should be paid to weight gain during pregnancy, a balanced diet rich in vitamin C should be taken, and after the 20th week of pregnancy, special creams for pregnancy, olive oil, almond oil, cocoa butter or sesame oil should be applied to the skin every day to moisturize the skin.
Does Ultrasound Harm the Baby?
There is no harm in applying 2-dimensional (black and white) ultrasonography, 3 and 4-dimensional ultrasonography during pregnancy for the baby and the mother, it can be done safely .
How Often Should Examinations Be Taken?
Every 4 weeks until 32nd week of pregnancy, 32-36. There should be an examination every 2 weeks from week 36 to birth.
How Will Baby's Movements Be Observed?
Baby movements are first felt at 18-20 weeks , women who have given birth before can feel the movements from the 16th week. Baby movements are one of the most important parameters that show the baby's well-being. When there is distress or problem in the baby, there will be a decrease in baby movements. If a decrease in baby movements is felt after the 20th week, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
How Much Weight Should Be Gained?
It is normal to gain 11-14 kg in all pregnancy. In the first 6 months of pregnancy, it is necessary to gain 1 kg per month, and in the next 3 months, 2 kg per month. While excessive weight gain may lead to problems such as diabetes, hypertension and prevention of normal birth, insufficient weight gain may cause low birth weight infants or premature birth.
What is the Role of the Spouse in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy can lead to some psychological changes as well as physical changes in the mother. Emotional changes may include sadness, anxiety, irritability, mood changes. Men should always be understanding and supportive. Especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, she should handle the kitchen and cooking chores due to her sensitivity to smell. During pregnancy, they should participate in pregnancy-related activities and examinations. They should read courses and books on birth and baby care and actively participate in the process at every stage.
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